Coppers leaves everyone with the name "John" for free Tuesday night for a very special reason


Form an orderly waiting line, guys

If the walls of Copper Face Jacks could talk, it's fair to say we'd all be screwed rightly.

There does not seem to be two nights On Saturday night, July 14, Orla met a handsome boy named John.

They did very well and John asked Orla for an appointment. Major success.

The only problem, however, was that Orla had given John the wrong number and that she now had a panic attack that she would never see again.

Speaking Monday on the 2FM Lunch Republic, Orla revealed that she is seeking help from the nation to find her.

Even Marty Morrissey supports the pair and helps with the call of John

For the love of God John … of Ennis … calls Orla

– Marty Morrissey (@MartyM_RTE) July 16, 2018

Orla also revealed that she will be in Coppers on Tuesday night and so Coppers support Orla in her hopes of finding the Ennis native by allowing all Johns in the country to enter free Tuesday night.

We are doing our part. All in the name of love. ❤️

– Copper Face Jacks (@CopperFaceJacks) July 17, 2018

So in addition to finding Orla his man, if your man / friend / brother / roommate / uncle's cousin friend's name is John, he will also enter for free tonight, so spread the word …

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