‘Dancing With the Stars’ Semifinals’ Wild Double Elimination Sends Front Runners Home — See Who Got the Axe!


The six remaining contestants on Dancing With the Stars have reached the season 27 semifinals, and things are heating up to a degree we haven’t seen in some time.

Six couples making it to the semifinals is nearly unheard of, and it means eliminations are going to be more stressful than ever as the show whittles down its field of competitors. For tonight, that means each couple will be delivering two different routines — the first will be a new dance the celebrity has never learned before, while the second will be a style of dance they’ve done in the past, as decided by one of the three judges, but set to new music and choreography.

ET will be live blogging all the semifinals action in the ballroom when the show kicks off, so be sure to follow along with us here, on Twitter and Facebook as we recap the night’s many epic dances.

And the Couples Going Home Are…

6:59 PM:

The three stars who found themselves in jeopardy were Joe, Alexis and Juan Pablo! Which is absolutely insane.

To reveal who was going home, Tom Bergeron announced the couple who was safe: Alexis and Alan! Meaning Juan Pablo and Cheryl are going home the same night they earned two perfect scores — alongside Joe and Jenna.

All three judges were absolutely shocked by Juan Pablo and Cheryl’s elimination, with Len standing and declaring that “there is no justice” in the pair getting the axe.

However, Juan Pablo was gracious in defeat.

“I love dancing so much, and at least I got to do it in front of millions of people with this wonderful girl,” Juan Pablo said, somberly, while talking with Tom Bergeron after the elimination.

Meanwhile, Joe and Jenna’s elimination wasn’t really a shock, as most people (including Joe himself) felt he’d stayed on longer than made sense.

Milo and Witney Re-do Their Cha-Cha

6:55 PM:

Milo and Witney were yet another pair who were tasked with recreating their Week 1 number for their Judges’ Dance, under the mentorship of Carrie Ann.

The pair hit the dance floor in bright red ensembles for a steamy cha-cha — set to “Good Feeling” by Austin French — and they set the dance floor on fire with their perfect footwork and energetic confidence.

While the audience gave them a lot of love, even their mentor, Carrie Ann, had some criticism for Milo’s wildness and untamed physicality. The judges had a lot of love for the dance overall, but minor critiques signaled that their score wasn’t going to be perfect.

In the end, the couple earned another 28 out of 30, for a total of 55 out of 60.


Evanna and Keo Rewrite Their Past Foxtrot

6:49 PM:

Following their perfectly scored first dance of the night, Evanna and Keo were partnered with Len for their Judges’ Dance, and were tasked with recreating their Week 1 foxtrot.

It couldn’t have been a better showcase of how much Evanna has grown since the start of the show. She’s become a more open, confident performer and a lot of that seems due to Keo’s guidance and friendship.

For their stunning foxtrot — set to “Rewrite the Stars” from The Greatest Showman — the couple rocked all-purple ensembles once again, and delivered a heartwarming routine that blew everyone away.

While Len and Bruno seemed to see a misstep during the performance, Carrie Ann felt the dance was flawless, and the pair earned a 28 out of 30 for the incredible dance.

Their combined score is 58 out of 60, which ideally would get them directly to the finals, but with viewer votes being so wildly unpredictable, it’s hard to guess what will happen.

Juan Pablo and Cheryl Double Up on the Perfection

6:39 PM:

After getting a perfect score for their Argentine tango, Juan Pablo and Cheryl were teamed up with Bruno, who decided that they should re-do their Week 1 salsa, to show how much better the already amazing dancer has gotten with Cheryl’s help.

The pair took to the dance floor for their bady, Havana-infused routine — set to “Tu Sonrisa” by Elvis Crespo — where Juan Pablo got yet another chance to show off his abs, and his absolutely incredible footwork.

The chemistry between the pair was electric with every single move they made, and they made their mentor very happy with the performance.

Carrie Ann’s feedback was, for the most part, just her screaming “yes” at the top of her lungs while Len’s praise was equally effusive.

In the end, Juan Pablo and Cheryl snagged their second perfect 30 out of 30, for an amazing combined total of 60 out of 60. They are, by a far margin, the front runners for the Mirrorball trophy. Here’s hoping the viewer votes keep them in the game.

Joe and Jenna Get Some Tips From Carrie Ann

6:28 PM:

After naming Carrie Ann as his favorite judge earlier in the night, it turns out that she was Joe and Jenna’s mentor for the Judges’ Dance, and she did her best to make sure they could pull off a better quickstep than they did earlier in the season.

Hitting the floor for their impressive routine — set to “Check it Out” by Oh the Larceny — the long-shot contestant actually managed to impress the judges, who complimented Joe’s frame and his clean footwork.

After getting a lot of love from Carrie Ann, Joe ran up and gave her a hug. However, it turns out that all three judges liked the dance. The pair earned a 24 out of 30, their highest score of the show thus far, and a combined total of 46 out of 60.

Alexis and Alan Get Funky and Retro

6:18 PM:

Alexis and Alan ended up getting a chance to re-do their Week 1 jive after getting paired with Bruno for their Judges’ Dance.

For the routine, they decided to go for a retro aerobicise-themed number, complete with shimmering, super short workout costumes that showed off Alexis’ (and Alan’s) perfectly toned legs.

The jive, set to “Yes” by Merry Clayton, was raw, wild fun that still managed to include a lot of substance and style that earned a lot of praise from their mentor, as well as the other two judges.

“The concept I loved, but the dancing was fabulous,” Len marveled.

As the pair joined Erin on the balcony, the couple couldn’t contain their excited energy as they jumped around like adorable lunatics.

The energy level just got higher after they earned a perfect 30 out of 30, for a total of 58 out of 60.

Bobby and Sharna Get Mentored by Len

6:08 PM:

For Bobby and Sharna’s Judges’ Choice dance, they were paired with Len, who wanted to see the pair do a jive — like the radio star did the first week — only this time set to “Gimme Some Lovin’” by The Spencer Davis Group.

Donning bright gold ensembles, Bobby and Sharna hit the dance floor with a whole lot of energy and enthusiasm that showed just how much the star has developed as a performer over the past two months of competition.

At the end, however, Bobby added his signature flare when he ripped off his black shirt to reveal a white t-shirt underneath featuring Len’s smiling face.

The judges all appreciated how much he’d grown as well, and rewarded him with a 24 out of 30, for a combined total of 45 out of 60.

Milo and Witney Step Up Their Game Once Again

6:00 PM:

Milo Manheim showed some love to his mom, actress Camryn Manheim, by dedicating his first dance of the night to her. It’s only fitting after she came out to support him from the audience every single week.

Hitting the floor with his partner Witney, the pair pulled off a beautiful, clean and pbadionate Argentine tango — set to “Pray for Me” by The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar —  that was a wonderful tribute to his devoted mom.

After the dance, Milo made sure to run over and give his mom a hug before getting a lot of love and praise from the judges. While his Argentine tango was inevitably compared to Juan Pablo’s next-level performance, there was still a lot of appreciation for the routine.

Ultimately, perhaps because of how epic the night’s early Argentine tango was, the pair earned a 27 out of 30 (despite the fact that, on any other night, it would have probably been a perfect 30). However, they still have another chance to wow the judges with their second performance later tonight.

Evanna and Keo Get Emotional Following Flawless Performance

5:50 PM:

Evanna and Keo are the couple that just keep getting better each and every week, and this week they delivered a mindblowing number that the actress dedicated to her late friend and filmmaker Simon Fitzmaurice, who pbaded away last year after a long battle with ALS.

The pair took to the dance floor in gorgeous, pale purple ensembles to deliver a contemporary routine set to “Stand Up for Something” by Andra Day, and it ended perfectly with both dancers extending their hands out to an empty director’s chair with Simon’s name.

The dance was met with overwhelming praise from the judges, who appreciated the importance of the dance, and Evanna’s evolution as a dancer. The pair earned a perfect 30 out of 30.

While speaking with Erin on the balcony after the dance, Keo was brought to tears when the co-host genuinely shared her love for the long-time pro, who has never made it this far in the competition before. 

Juan Pablo and Cheryl Keep Going Strong

5:40 PM:

Juan Pablo and Cheryl went into the semifinals being the only couple to have earned three perfect scores this season.

For his first dance of the night, Juan Pablo got emotional in his pre-taped package when explaining why he decided to dedicate the dance to his beloved mother, who successfully battled cancer and is a “warrior woman,” in the star’s words.

When they took to the stage for their Argentine tango, set to “Libertango” from Forever Tango, it was hard to remember to breathe. They’ve done bady, precise dances in the past, but the music, the red, smokey lighting and the incredible choreography came together to create something truly amazing.

After the dance, as they basked in the glory of a standing ovation, Juan Pablo ran over to hug his mother and father, who were watching from the audience.

The feedback from the judges was effusive. Len said he would “always remember” their Argentine tango, while Bruno and Carrie Ann were nearly speechless over the dance’s flawlessness.

“People who have been watching our show for 27 seasons, along with me, were blown away,” Carrie Ann said. “You are in a clbad of your own.”

Needless to say, the pair got their fourth perfect 30 out of 30, and are, without a doubt, the couple who deserve to win the Mirrorball trophy (although it’s impossible to predict who actually will).

Joe and Jenna Get Romantic

5:29 PM:

For their semifinals performance, Jenna decided to show Joe’s romantic side with a heartfelt contemporary routine set to “This Year’s Love” by David Gray, and there was no shortage of steamy chemistry between the pair.

Joe dedicated the dance to his fiancee, Kendall, who was in the audience to cheer him on as he and Jenna performed a dance with near-constant physical contact that might have even made Jenna’s DWTS pro boyfriend Val Chmerkovskiy a little jealous.

As Len mentioned during his comments, Joe didn’t have much to do for the dance, but they all agreed that what little he did, he did well, and didn’t actively mess anything up.

For their efforts, the couple earned a decent 22 out of 30, and got their second ‘8’ of the season from Carrie Ann, whom Joe declared his “favorite judge.”

Alexis and Alan Get Even Closer

5:19 PM:

For her first dance, Alexis dedicated the routine to her partner, Alan, for everything he’s done to help her grow as a dancer.

As they took to the stage for their waltz, set to “Water” by Bishop Briggs, the bady couple performed one of their most seductive numbers of the season thus far, and it was hard to keep from feeling the electricity between them.

Bruno complimented the dance’s “heavenly fluidity” and all three judges had a lot of love for the routine — except for Carrie Ann’s insane hatred for lifts and Len’s anger over the dance not having enough traditional waltz content.

For their efforts, the pair earned a formidable score of 28 out of 30.

Bobby and Sharna Keep Their Heads Held High

5:12 PM:

Shirtless Bobby was all smiles even after he and Sharna received a disappointing 21 out of 30.

However, the star didn’t worry much about their scores. Instead, he used his time on the mic to voice his support for those affected by the California wildfires.

“There are a lot of people around here who are hurting really bad,” said Bones, encouraging all his fans to donate to those who have been displaced by the wildfires.

Bobby and Sharna Show Off Their Fun Energy

5:07 PM:

Bobby’s first dance was dedicated to his legion of fans, who he fully acknowledges are the only reason he’s made it this far.

“I’m not here because of my scores, I’m here because of my people,” Bobby said in the pre-taped package. And he definitely gave his fans what they were looking when he and Sharna took the stage for a wild, over-the-top salsa — set to “GDFR” by Flo Rida.

With members of the audience taking to the stage to cheer Bobby and Sharna on for the energetic performance, it was a fun, exciting tribute to the spirit of loving life — a message the star has consistently exuded on DWTS.

While the judges appreciated his lust for life, they didn’t really have great marks for his technical capabilities. However, they threw to a commercial before revealing the scores, so we’ll have to see how his fun energy translates into numbers.

Semifinals Kick Off With a Shimmer

5:01 PM:

Instead of the usual mbadive musical number, the DWTS semifinals opted for a walk down memory lane by introducing each couple to the stage with a projection of them on the dance floor and a quote from one of their past pre-taped packages about their hopes for the season.

It wasn’t as bombastic as most weeks, but it got the point across: Tonight is all about the couples, and who will be going on to the finals.

Where We Stand After Last Week…

4:58 PM:

Following last week’s exciting Country Night, three couples found themselves on the chopping block and fans had to say goodbye to two of them in an expected but brutal double elimination.

John Schneider and partner Emma Slater got the axe, alongside DeMarcus Ware and Lindsay Arnold, leaving the six remaining couples to duke it out in tonight’s over-stuffed semifinals. Given how many stars remain, there’s a good chance we’re going to see another double elimination at the end of tonight’s show as well.

Dancing With the Stars airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

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