Donegal demanding answers on the series 'Super 8' in Dublin Croke Park


Donegal asks for answers on the series 'Super 8' after he was told that he had to play in Dublin at Croke Park.

The Central Competition Control Committee confirmed earlier today that the counties will meet on Saturday at headquarters. designated as a neutral match for both sides, despite the fact that Dublin has played all of its home games at Croke Park since 2011 and the vast majority of their league matches.

This means that Dublin actually has two home games in the eighth leg of the championship, one more than the other seven counties, while Donegal will be the only county that will have two games away.

A statement from Donegal stated: "Following the announcement by the CCCC CLG Dhún na nGall is to arrange a meeting with the GAA officials to seek clarification on how any county may use neutral ground and place of residence. [1] 9659005] Read more

"The purpose of the meeting is to ensure a level playing field for each team that qualifies for the group stage. quarter-final of Ireland and to ensure that no team has any advantage over any other team. "

There were calls to play the match at Clones

There were calls for the game to be played in a more neutral place like Clones but the CCCC resisted this by fixing and, in any case, seems to be bound by the rules at this stage of the championship which stipulate that each team will play a mat at Croke Park and then everyone at home and out.

Donegal's Last week, the successful Newbridge or nowhere campaign of Kildare was influenced by the rejection of Kildare's campaign.

Last week, Donegal told Newstalk, "If anyone said that the game was going to be played at neutral place, then you're waiting somewhere like Cl's, like Cavan, a neutral place, do not go in the back yard of Dublin to play a match that is supposedly neutral. "

Meanwhile, the Kerry-Galway game was set for Sunday's week at Croke Park with 16:00, live clash with the World Cup final

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