E3 2018: "We do not want Ellie to feel like Nathan Drake in The Last of Us Part II"


  Ellie is the protagonist of The Last of Us Part II "title =" Ellie is the protagonist of The Last of Us Part II "width =" 620 "height =" 310 "rel =" nofollow
Ellie is the main character of The Last of Us Part II

  Ronan Price

  • E3 2018: "We do not want Ellie to feel like Nathan Drake in The Last of Us Part II"

    Independent. ie [19659005] The Last of Us was pretty much the darkest game you've ever played. It took the post-apocalyptic nihilism of Cormac McCarthy's The Road and was sewn into a layer of deadly "clickers" like zombies for good measure. Hope was rare, especially in the end.

    More information -part-ii-37090406.html


  • Email [19659009] THE last of us was pretty much the darkest game you have ever played. It took the post-apocalyptic nihilism of Cormac McCarthy's The Road and was sewn into a layer of deadly "clickers" like zombies for good measure. Hope was rare, especially in the end.

But five years later with his sequel, Naughty Dog offers both optimism and despair. The Last of Us Part II made headlines for its noticeably darker tone during its revelation in 2016 and in the trailer of last October, the latter being particularly distinguished for its ominous violence.

next to the main character Ellie, revealing her as a young woman flirting with her lover during a dance of the town hall. Life has reached a semblance of normality, even though bandit attacks are an ever present danger.

However, the E3 trailer intentionally deliberately deliberated this tender love scene in a horrible and cruel mbadacre of Ellie. Naughty Dog remains unmoved about the explicitly explicit gore, now that it is an integral part of the story.

In an interview with E3, Emilia Schatz, co-director of Last of Us II, explains: "You saw with our cinematics had the opportunity to become a teenager and to build bonds, which makes really what is of interest to us is the cycle of violence, violence and hatred generate additional violence and hatred, and this continues and continues. "

When insisted on how the trailers seemed to badize violence, Schatz insists: "We often have questions about this, which we showed (in October) .The thing about the universe The Last Of Us is that the thing we are trying to describe is that it is a very dangerous and visceral place.And many times we think that if you step back from that, if you do not show the real consequences of the violence you are not honest about the repercussions of your We want you to feel nauseous about seeing this gore. Because if it is not the case, it does not seem real. "

The E3 interview at the PlayStation stand immediately follows a resumption of the previous presentation at the Sony press conference before the opening day of the exhibition, which consisted of a trailer followed by a gameplay.Unfortunately, the reporters gathered in the small dark room are treated with an exact replica of the previous presentation, even if a developer seems to play the game live.We immediately become skeptical because that is a perfect frame that reoccurs until the last beat of action.

  emilia.jpg "title =" Emilia Schatz, co-lead designer of Last of Us Part II at E3 2018 Photo: Ronan Price "width =" 620 "height =" "rel =" nofollow
Emilia Schatz, co chief designer of Last of Us Part II at E3 2018. Photo: Ronan Price

Schatz declines a suggestion to play again in a D in a very different way, the simila This is due to the skill of the developer who owns the controller.

Whatever the motivation for such a rehearsal, it is obvious that TLOUII diverges from the original significantly – not just at the city hall of normality, but the 39, Athletics increased by Ellie. Naughty Dog is the same studio that brought us the uncomparable Uncharted series and it is clear that the developers were influenced by their work on the antics of acrobat Nathan Drake.

"In the last part of us, there was really no jumping," says Schatz, who works at Naughty Dog since 2010 on Uncharted 3. "You would go to a section, there would be a small gap or something maybe about 10 times in the whole game – and you'd be invited for a button and you'd come back.

"This is not the case in the Last of Us Part II. There is a lot of complicated crossing, jumping over big gaps and some platform jumps.

But she is categorical. TLOUII will not end just as an extension of the Uncharted franchise. "The Last Part of us, like Part I, is a more grounded experience," says Schatz. "Nathan Drake often extends the capacity of what a normal human would be able to do.He is almost a kind of superhero."

Nevertheless, it must be difficult to get into a state of the art. Mind different because the production team is working on both TLOU and Uncharted games

I started basically after the end of the first part, "recalls Schatz. "It lasted a little while before the whole studio went to Uncharted 4. But once Uncharted 4 was done, we put together a small team to come back and, basically, the team went to Uncharted: Lost Legacy Then everybody came back

"From the very beginning of the gameplay, we were very happy with the way the TLOUI went and we wanted to make sure that it he had much more to do. We were worried, though, that it would be hard to stay up while staying with rooted roots.

Jokingly, she says, "I suppose we could have added a double-jump or something, but that does not fit our game."

"But we had to explore what's The Last of us Part II regarding the gameplay. We did a lot of early prototypes and a lot of things came out – the crawling on the belly, the compression by small holes, just by doing more crossing. We were just trying to understand what are the limits of the crossing that were sufficient and anchored. But we do not want Ellie to feel like Nathan Drake.

"In the beginning, differentiating between the two games was definitely a problem, especially when we were trying to understand the crossing and so on … Can Ellie climb a stone wall?" Does that match her character? Where can she jump and not feel that she is like Nathan Drake! This required a lot of experimentation at the beginning, where we had some stuff and we were like, "No, that's wrong. we have to withdraw. "We need to understand what works for her, but we still wanted her to feel like a realistic person crossing this environment.

" Our fight in Part 2 tends to to be much more strategic, like setting up an Uncharted chessboard, where you had so much more mobility and the ability to, in a way, live with NPCs. Set up a TLOU battlefield was to try to instill a sense of pressure and fear.

"In the last part of us, we wanted to create a feeling, a sense of vulnerability in the character.We want to describe this very dangerous world.

" What I really like, c & # 39; is that even with the character of Joel, that you play in Last of Us Part I, he is a very strong character but he is very vulnerable because when the enemies have the figures, they have the firepower, you are a very weak in everyone. What I like about it is that once you are able to overcome that by the stealthy mechanics, by playing something strategically, you have the impression that the player has accomplished some thing. "

• The Last of Us Part II on PlayStation 4, probably in 2019 or 2020.

Publishers Online

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