Emotional Woods says Open felt like the good old days


Tiger Woods admits that he felt like the good old days and he was delighted that his two children were finally able to see everything that was going on.

Woods took the advantage at Carnoustie he sought to end his great ten year drought, but lost three shots in two holes and he never regained momentum.

The 14-time winner finally finished three shots behind champion Francesco Molinari

. along a mbadive gallery cheering each of his movements, it was the greatest indication since the return of a fourth return operation that Woods can compete at the highest level yet.

Daughter Sam, 11, and son Charlie, nine, were also The young see their father in his pump, but they greet him with a hug behind the 18th green.

"I told them that I tried, and I said" I hope you're proud of your pops to try as hard as me ",

"It's very emotional because" I know they know how much this championship means to me and how good it is to be back to playing. " "

" For me, it's so special to have them aware because I've won a lot of golf tournaments in my career, but they do not remember it.

"The only thing they saw was my struggles and the pain I was experiencing. Now, they just want to go play football with me, so it's really great. "

Woods:" I have won a lot of golf tournaments in my career, but they (his children) do not remember "

The 42 year old hopes of a remarkable comeback after a tumultuous period in his life – during which he encountered problems out of court with the bursting of his marriage and a sinking of the law –

He took the lead seven strokes under normal while He turned around but lost three shots in two holes in 11th and 12th positions and never regained his momentum, finally finishing three shots behind Molinari. [19659002] "It did not seem different, I did it in different ways," he added.

"It was great to be part of the group and to make my way up to the championship.Today, I had a great opportunity."

"C & # 39; 39 was great, I was saying all by now that I should try to keep things in perspective because at the beginning of the year, they would have said I would play the championship open, j & rsquo; Would have said that I would be very lucky to do it. "

Woods was bored by his mistake after the bend but insists that he would not do it differently, even though he was less impressed by a spectator shouting from a box." 39, hospitality at the top of his backswing on tee 18.

"I flinched, but I had things like that happen a lot in my career with people just trying to time him, ""

"Unfortunately, this is part of what we have to do in today's game: people are trying to shout things to try to be on TV, to To be on social networks or anything else .. the game.

"But I'm a little disconcerted to myself for sure. I had a chance to start over again to do something and I did not do it. "

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