Ex-Celtic star Barry Robson reveals Artur Boruc and Aiden McGeady "hated each other" while he was recalling a wild burst between the pair



Dundee United's former star player, Robson, played with the controversial pair for two years at Parkhead, winning the title and League Cup

BARRY ROBSON lifted the veil over the rift between Artur Boruc and Aiden McGeady at Celtic

Robson played with the controversial pair during his two-year stint at Parkhead, winning the title and League Cup

  Boruc McGeady [19659006] Kenneth Ramsay </p>
</p></div><figcaption clbad= Artur Boruc and Aiden McGeady never went to Celtic

But while the Hoops enjoyed a pretty successful field, it was not all that rosy behind the scenes between the two teammates.

Speaking on Simon Ferry's Open Goal, former Dundee United Robbo said: Aiden and Artur did not like each other – they hated each other.

"One day we were out on the training field shooting Artur would not dive for Aiden's shots … he would not dive!

" J & # 39 I was standing at training one day and I see the great Artur running beside me and I say to myself, "Where is he going?" [19659004]

"He came running next to me and tried to light Aiden! But he missed him and he rolled on the ground and jumped in. So we took them, and (Gordon) Strachan laughed.

"So we bring them back to the locker room, just sitting down to read the newspaper. I sat next to Aiden and the great Artur came towards him and went right, Aunt (punched him)!

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"Aiden is sitting there raging, I broke it." Artur went to take a shower and Aiden is there

"He goes to the shower and he tries to hit him, he slips and falls on his head!"

"Big Artur," What are you doing? "

Although McGeady's vengeance plotted dramatically, Boruc was not the only man with whom he did not see how he was.

  Barry Robson

PA: Press Association

Barry Robson recalled some brilliant stories of his time at Celtic

The Republic of Ireland International also failed to engage with the boss Strachan, with the infamous landing a suspension two weeks before an old company

And after hearing about the collapse between McGe ady and Boruc, Strach's ironic response will never be forgotten by Robson.

He said: "Big Mick (McManus), Gas (Gary Caldwell) and I went up and said we had to go to the gaffer, because we had to" We all walked in and Gordon is sitting there like d & # 39; habit. We said, "There was a problem with Artur and Aiden."

"And he said," I thought maybe there would be … I hope it's a good thing. he knocked him out!

"It was his first quote! But then he did not do it, I think the great Artur was fined or something else, but he was just the goalkeeper.

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