Fortnite brings guided missiles but not as you know them


If you miss the guided missiles on Fortnite, you'll be happy to hear that they're ready to make a comeback.

The strength of the weapon has already caused controversy over the hit game, mainly because you've never had the chance to survive. if you came into contact with someone owning one.

This week we are talking about recent SMG changes, Remote Explosives, and a back-to-back article! – Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 27, 2018

Epic Games, the developers of Fortnite, fired the guided missile in an April fix but now plans to bring him back, though with less power.

When it returns to Battle Royale mode, it will be slower, cause less damage and have a smaller ammo cap, which hopefully will give everyone a chance. 19659003] The guided missive returns to Fortnite !!!!

– Tyler (@ Tyler97941163) July 29, 2018

Fortnite is currently celebrating its first birthday, treating players with loot and additional challenges.

The latest release also marked the return of the Playground mode, a similar option to the sandbox that gives players the opportunity to exercise their skills without the pressure of live survival.

– Press Association

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