Games Inbox: Could there be a backlash Red Dead Redemption II?


Thank you for writing the stories on the development of Red Dead Redemption II, especially the work practices employed by Rockstar.

He lit up a dark corner of the video game industry. I've already written to Rockstar to ask him to start enforcing his rights.

In the meantime, I would like to know if / how will you all maintain public pressure to change this practice and stay focused on it?

Given the hundreds of comments on these stories, I find that many players are pbadionate about the subject. It certainly caused me some discomfort when I started in my first room.

Some players boycott the title, but since this staff can get a big sales bonus and people see the result of their hard work, I do not think a boycott is the right method.

Is there a way, perhaps to use your next interviews with a publisher / developer to bring up this problem again?

I think if we all take the same stance against these practices as the chests we can have a chance.

If you think we can do more, as players, to show our support in the right way, I would love to hear it.

Best wishes to you all. Continue your work Stirling, it's a pleasure to read the content of each of your sites.
Matt Bryan

GC: Rockstar almost never gives interviews. If you want to change the practices of a publisher, you must touch them in the wallet, which is what caused the change of approach of the loot boxes.

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