Giroud, a goalkeeper, channels the spirit of & 98 and Guivarc & # 39; h


"Like Guivarc & # 39; h, Giroud (p) has not yet scored in the tournament, and has barely had a chance." Photo: Reuters / Darren Staples
  • Giroud, goalkeeper, channels the spirit of & 98 and Guivarc & # 39; h

    If you were to say Stéphane's name Guivarc & # 39; h to most people out of France, this would not bring much reverence. Instead, it has become a bit of a quiz, something that almost seems like a sleight of hand, recognized as one of the worst players to ever have started and won a World Cup final.

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If you were to say the name of Stéphane Guivarc & # 39; h to the most people out of France, that would not bring much reverence. Instead, it has become a bit of a quiz, something that almost seems like a sleight of hand, recognized as one of the worst players to ever have started and won a World Cup final.

Yet an attacker of such limitations – and such a limited supply of goals – can begin for a talented team of this kind only serves to further underscore that talent. France won the World Cup despite a first-clbad striker who did not score once.

For Olivier Giroud, the name Guivarc & # 39; h means something else. As for veneration, it's a reference …

Like Guivarc & # 39; h, Giroud has not yet scored in the tournament, and has barely had a chance. Like Guivarc & # 39; h, Giroud's role at the forefront of the attack may seem so discordant in a camp otherwise filled with so much talent. The Chelsea striker is the weird man, but that 's a bit of a point.

Just like Guivarc & # 39; h, it has an important tactical role in the team that brings into play more talented stars, and that means no one in the French set up any care there. Do not mark.

The importance of the player for Didier Deschamps is underlined by two other characters beyond goals. Giroud has accumulated more minutes than anyone else in the manager's term and has provided three badists in this World Cup.

"You always play for teammates," said Giroud. "I obviously prefer to have chances and score, but if I can make room for others, I always try to choose the best option for the team. When France was world champion in 1998, (Christophe) Dugarry scored a goal and Guivarc & # 39; If we are World Cup champions without scoring, I do not mind, it means that if I'm on the pitch, the boss thinks I can help the team, I have my role to play, I'm trying to make room for my teammates. "

While Giroud is so much more selfless than most of the attackers, it does not not to say that the goals are not in his mind.There were a few moments of the 2-0 win over Uruguay, which meant he had mischievous blame for his teammates

" It's true that I did not have too many chances, "said Giroud after the match." [Against Uruguay] I might have gotten fourth help if Kylian [Mbappé] took his time in the first half Second half, I could have received the ball, [Corentin] Tolisso preferred to shoot … I'm always happy because it does not matter if I score or not, it was a very difficult match, I try to give the best of myself for the team, I keep the goals for the semifinal and maybe the final! "

" It is true that Olivier has not yet scored, I repeat again, it is important for our style … In the last game he made pbades for Mbappé, we have need this game of support. "but Olivier is always very generous and does not complain about working hard.It may not have the flamboyant style but the team needs it itself. he does not score, his game is in the air and the defense, he does a lot of things, it is the players around him who benefit from it, he attracts a lot of the attention of the defenders. "[19659018AndthatfreesMbappéwhotookawayGiroudlikeeveryoneelse

"Yeah, it's very interesting when he starts from a distance [back] Right side, he can use his best qualities, his skills, and obviously with this speed it is very valuable [valuable] for us. We do not run, we play, we try to combine more central, and after he can run behind, so we have different qualities at the front, and a good understanding, very complementary. "

That could still to be enough for a first World Cup since 1998 – even if it's not the first time we see a role like Giroud's. (© Independent News Service)

Irish Independent

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