Google Maps Street View: young woman captured with a third leg in Croatia | Travel News | Trip


Google Maps Street View was used to catch a number of shocking images through the years

False murders, thefts and suspicion of extraterrestrial life are some of the bizarre observations.

Still, a woman was captured by Reddit users with a rather strange addition to her body.

While walking with her friend, she was seen in a quiet lane in Split, Croatia.

The woman's body seemed to have a third leg. two women, wearing shorts and skimpy tops, seem puzzled by the extra body part.

While a girl had only two legs, her friend had a third leg between her two normal legs.

The third leg is much thinner and

Fortunately, nothing sinister happened and is related to a photographic problem

This often happens when subjects move when the images are captured.

When the Google camera takes the panoramic photo, many of the images are taken to be badembled.

Thi s creates the effect of transparency on Google Maps.

Yet, when a moving object is captured multiple times by the camera, it can sometimes cut parts or duplicate people.

In this case, a member was duplicated to create

A boy went further and was captured eight times by the same camera.

Spotted in India, the young man pulled the joke while moving in different positions around the car

white shorts and white shorts, he tried a number of poses.

Pretending to be on his phone, leaning against a tree or just looking at the camera, he took a few.

the door of a house and put his hands on his head in the last pose.

The successful images would have required careful planning, which has fortunately paid off.

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