Harnedy plays a central role in Cork's progress


This is the best season of Seamus Harnedy up here for the Cork throwers

28 years old, he is in a match of a third All-Ireland final (after the draw at fate and replay in 2013) after claiming his third title Munster earlier. months, as captain. But this summer, he became the man of the game like never before.

Last season, he led Imokilly to win the Cork County title, and despite his second-weakest league campaign, he was up to now

Harnedy scored 3-14 at Five league games in Cork, all from the game, he is by five points top scorer of the champions of Munster (apart from placed balls) with an average of 0-5 per game. 19659002] The best is Patrick Horgan, then Conor Lehane with 1-11 and the young Shane Kingston with 1-9. As for Harnedy, it's been the summer that he's scored the most, the best being his first campaign for the Cork Seniors in 2013.

Since then, his points average is pbaded from 0-3 per game to 0- 2 per game, returning to 0-3, in 2016 he scored only 0-2 in three matches, and then last summer his average is returned to just under 0-2 per game.

This year, his two greatest contributions to a team in form, have been in his ball by winning under the long rounds of Anthony Nash, and his goals. In the championship this summer, he has already scored three goals in five games, half of his total of 26 league games

. His last goal before Munster was in July 2015 (his last goal in the league or league).

In contrast to that year where he scored or directly helped in five of the seven goals that John Meyler's team won by claiming consecutive Munster titles for the first time since 2006 when they entered the season as All-Ireland champions. Cork raised one more green flag this summer than in his previous two championship campaigns combined.

And against Limerick in this weekend's All-Ireland semifinal, the only team to have them Munster round robin, the goals will be decisive. In this draw at Páirc Uí Chaoimh, it is Harnedy who came up with the equalizer late in the game and who was almost the winner.

Munster's final victory however showed at his best clinical level

goal and another goal attempt, four points, a hook block, a goalkeeper and two spectacular catches.

[CROSSHEAD] The most crucial [/CROSSHEAD]

These are the two catches that were undoubtedly the most crucial of the lot (his last two efforts against Limerick have also come to grips with long winnings), while the two most important catches have been won. they served to keep Cork alive in a performance of the first half.

When Anthony Nash and Cork are under pressure, the Rebels issue raises their arm with the ball clenched in their fist and then Harwardy is aimed at the brink of opposition D. If he wins, he There is almost certainly a score in his path.

And when these long washers come off the game could not seem simpler. The problem is, however, that the line halfway ahead of Cork does not win enough long strokes from his goalkeeper. And they can not all go to the captain.

Against Clare in the Munster final, Cork lost 44% of his own rounds in the first period. Overall, they lost 37%, a figure they must improve to beat Limerick

At that meeting, Nash hit 20 times over the 45-yard line from Clare and Cork won less than half

. 65 they lost only one.

The gain of the game was their improvement in this department in the second half. They lost just five and won 12 – a 27 percent increase – and while Harnedy was their only ball in the first half (one they had the chance to leave only four points apart This was another man who was rising

Darragh Fitzgibbon's shift to center-forward with Daniel Kearney in the engine room was crucial for the six-point turn of the second half.

Fitzgibbon won three long crucial deadlines. outs by Nash, which led directly to Cork scoring 1-1. The added option allowed Nash to hit the edge of the D or go short more often, without Clare being able to push or group the D as quickly.

This weekend Cork needs a repeat of the second half – not the first. As for Harnedy, more of the same thing will be fine.

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