Here are the last four


Eliminations of week 7 are marked in white, those of previous weeks in red.

This week Bachelorette Becca is in the Bahamas, where she narrows her field of six contenders – Blake, Garrett, Colton, Wills, Leo and Jason – until the last four, whom she will meet families in her hometowns the next week.

At the beginning of the episode, Becca tells Chris Harrison that she can see herself falling in love with two of the guys here. "I'm so scared that something can ruin it," she told Harrison. Is Becca Referring to the 21 O'clock Interruption when the real world – the announcement of President Trump's Supreme Court – will infringe on this two-hour escape from reality?

Good estimate! But this was filmed long before Judge Anthony M. Kennedy announced his retirement, so it's probably Arie Becca's trauma that speaks.

There is no rose ceremony this week; Instead, there are three guys in one-to-one and the other three in a group. The stakes are high: it's the moment when everyone is supposed to tell Becca everything that she may need to know about a competitor or her family before moving on to the company. ;next step. For Colton, that means to tell Becca that he's a virgin. "I'm not waiting for the wedding," Colton told him, "I'm waiting heartily." The other guys in the house and Colton treat this revelation as if it could be a bargain breaker and while Becca is surprised to hear from the man with whom she has "so much chemistry and pbadion," it's certainly not a breach of contract for her.

"I would never judge you for that," she told him, after spending the day diving for the conch, which their guide described as Viagra of the Bahamas. Colton gets a rose.

The second one-on-one goes to Garrett, with whom Becca also has a strong chemistry. "He has such a bady and playful side," says Becca. "I love the way it makes me feel and I feel attracted to it." They board a floatplane and, at dinner, talk a little bit about Garrett's first wedding, which Garrett says hangs on for too long, but badures Becca that she would know if anything was wrong with both. Garrett tells Becca that he falls in love with her and that he sees in her all that he is looking for in a woman. We are still looking forward to a serious discussion on the alignment of their policies and values. We will have to settle for someone else discussing such things … like the President of the United States

The Strangest Moment: The Real World Interrupts [19659003] For the second time this season, "The Bachelorette" hits break for a new report of Trump administration breakdown. Last month, it was for Trump's face-to-face with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. On Monday night, there was the appointment by the President of Federal Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh as a Judge of the Supreme Court. It's still a surrealistic experience when reality TV is interrupted for a dramatic moment by our reality TV president. Ashley Spivey, this year's de facto investigative reporter for "The Bachelorette", seized this moment as an opportunity to encourage viewers to vote in the upcoming 2018 milestones.

Unlike "The Bachelorette", this person's cement place. The Senate will have to confirm Kavanaugh before his lifetime appointment can continue

The Best Moment: Becca's Connection with Blake

Back to romance. By the time this date begins, Blake is so eager to see Becca that we expect him to be the only one running towards her and wrapping her legs around her. Alas, it's "The Bachelorette", where the woman is the head but the men are always the pursuers. And Blake would probably spill Becca if he tried. While Blake and Becca are dancing on a live Baha Men concert (from "Who Let the Dogs Out"), Blake's enthusiasm rivals that of a golden retriever who has been left in his crate for too much long, uncertain of its owner. come back and take it for a walk. Well, Becca is back! Blake could not be happier.

During the dinner portion of their appointment, we learn that Blake discovered his mother's love story with the English teacher and Blake basketball coach not directly from his mother but other people. community. Ouch

However, this is not all the confession of pain. Blake talks about how he wants to be with someone who will put the family above everything else and he gushes out of the depth of his fall for Becca. "Falling in love is really fun, but I think staying in love is more fun," he says. "Becca, I'm in love with you."

The feeling is clearly mutual. Although Becca can not tell her these words, she finds another way to communicate it, saying "it makes my heart burst … you make my heart very happy." The kisses that they share then – with intense and breathing breaks – say pretty much the same thing. Blake gets a rose. She says to the camera that her "heart just recognizes hers," and we put our money on him as Becca's last choice

The worst moment: Becca says goodbye to Wills

-on-one is clumsy. There is only one rose, three men. After a game of beach volleyball, Becca and Leo talk on the beach during which they discuss how their relationship is behind others, and Becca says goodbye to stuntman Hunky. We hope to see you in paradise, Leo. With Jason and Wills remaining, it looks like Wills will get the rose. Jason has not yet said that he "was falling" for Becca, while Wills confesses that he "falls more and more in love with [Becca] every day." He can say the words, and usually that's reason enough to say goodbye who can not. But Becca decides that her relationship with Jason is stronger, so she says goodbye to Wills. In his farewell interview, Wills stops the driver so that he can cry on the roadside. It was also moving for the viewers

and as soon as he was gone, Bachelor Nation yearned for his return – as the next bachelor.

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