Instagram adds another tool to cancel its boring algorithms


In recent months, Instagram has done a lot to cancel the boredom caused by the non-linear order in which messages are displayed.

First, the company has reduced its algorithms to show users more timely messages. to tell users when they can stop scrolling.

The new feature, called "You're all caught", will send users an intermediate feed message informing them that they have seen all new messages within 48 hours.

Available on iOS and Android from today, the feature will prevent users from continuing to scroll through their stream, not knowing if the invisible messages are being pushed by the algorithms.

 Instagram Caught Up Social Media Application [19659004"Wehaveheardthatitcanbedifficulttokeeptrackofyourmessages"saidthecompanyinablogonMonday"Withthismessageyouwillhaveabetterunderstandingofyourworkflowandyouwillnothaveanypicturesorrecentvideos"

The company also offers a new digital health feature, which will inform users when they are offline. they will spend too much time aimlessly browsing the content. Kevin Systrom, founder and CEO, said last May: "We are building tools that will help the IG community learn more about the time they spend on Instagram – any time should be positive and intentional. Understanding how online time has an impact on people is important, and it is the responsibility of all companies to be honest about it. We want to be part of the solution. I take this responsibility seriously. "

The company is also adding a new feature to its ephemeral Stories tool today (via Android Police) .The posters can now ask questions in the stories, relying on the possibility ; add polls and sliders.Users will be able to type an answer or comment in a text box, screenshots revealed.

The feature does not hit everyone yet and Instagram has not yet publicly acknowledged the functionality.

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