Iron Man Nebula Repairs in New Fan Art


by Jenna Anderson

No one knows exactly what's in store Avengers 4, but a new piece of fan art suggests one of the more uplifting possibilities.

A new piece from Roshfaizal Ariffin, which you can check out below, imagines Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) helping do repairs on Nebula (Karen Gillan). You can check it out below.

When audiences last saw Tony and Nebula, they were the two characters remaining on Titan, after the remainder of their team was caught by Thanos' snap. While the pair only briefly interacted within Avengers: Infinity War, some fan theories have suggested that a better relationship Avengers 4.

"I know who's new BFF is," Gillan said in a previous interview. "And I can not tell you … I do not know about you." She is a clear mission, as everybody is, to deal with someone with a glove, and I think that is the most important issue.

Regardless of whatever shape Tony and Nebula's interactions take in Avengers 4, it sounds like you're going to have a significant role, and just might possibly have the moment with the Infinity Gauntlet from the original comics.

"It's funny because I read the Infinity Gauntlet, which is what the new Avengers movies are based on, as it's research for my character because it's the latest in the Marvel comic book world. Making a double-bill feature based on that, I was just so excited because Nebula gets some really cool stuff. "

Either way, fans should probably keep their expectations open when it comes to Avengers 4.

"[[Avengers 4]do not do what you think it does, " Infinity War and Avengers 4 co-writer Christopher Markus said in another interview. "It's a different movie than you think it is … Also …[the deaths are] real. I just want to tell you it's real, and you'll accept that, you'll be able to move on to the next stage of grievance. "

"Put it this way," Stephen McFeely added. "I think[[Infinity War]is a fairly mature movie for a blockbuster. It's got a lot of fun in it, obviously, but it gets very mature. The second one is also mature. We're going to have these choices, and hopefully surprised and delighted you. It's by the same studio, the same filmmaking team. They were written at the same time, shot at the same time. They're definitely connected, but they are definitely two different movies,

Do you want to see Tony and Nebula become BFFs in Avengers 4? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp are now available on digital platforms, DVD, and Blu-ray. Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019; the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019; and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.

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