ITV Lorraine: Chloe Ayling marked "hungry fame"


The glamorous model was drugged and held captive for six days in an isolated Italian farm by Lukasz Herba, after believing that she had been booked for a modeling gig.

The tale was heavily criticized by the public, many refusing to

However, Herba was sentenced to 16 years and nine months in prison last month and now Chloe has published her experiences in her new book, Kidnapped [19659004]. The old woman went to ITV Lorraine today to promote her book and Lorraine Kelly soon asked her why she thought people did not believe her.

"A major reason is because of the way I act," she explains. Lorraine ” data-w=”620″ data-h=”413″/>


DELETED: Chloe wrote a book on her six days of hell

Highlights of television 2018

Take a look at the best moments that have appeared on TV in 2018. [19659012] 1/68

  Chloe Ayling and Lorraine Kelly speaking
ITV [19659015] FALSE: Chloe was criticized by viewers for trying to push his book

"I am very factual when I say it but it's my way of dealing with it "

Chloe Ayling

"I do not tear, I do not show emotion, I often tell the story to my lawyer and the police, I'm very factual when I say Chloe – who also appeared on This Morning last week – called her skeptics "ignorant" and said she was judged because of her glamorous appearance.

She said the same thing Megan Barton Hanson, who currently plays on Love Island

Chloe added: "People are trying to demolish it to spend money on surgery, but why should it be important? "

Chloe Ayling Raises Temperatures on Instagram

Chloe Ayling Teases Fans on Instagram with Pictures of Breasts and More


  Chloe Ayling's Hottest Pictures "title =" The hottest photos of Chloe Ayling ">
<span clbad= Instagram

The hottest photos of Chloe Ayling

  Chloe Ayling on Lorraine

EMOTIONLESS: Chloe called his skeptics "ignorant"

Despite the efforts made to explain the story, Lorraine viewers I can not believe you give him some airtime … "19659002" "I can not believe you give him his air time . " "She is so traumatized that she is on TV talking about it."

  Chloé Ayling and Megan Barton Hanson Selfie

BESTIES: Chloe Defends Her Friend Megan , who was dragged on his eyes

And a third spectator broke loose »(19659002) Later, Samira Mighty and Frankie Foster of Love Island were on the scene after formalizing their relationship.

Frankie asked Samira about To be his girlfriend during the Love Island episode Sunday night.: After-sun.

Lorr aine airs on weekdays at 8:30 on ITV.

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