Jane Fonda looks at Vietnam, "Reboot 9 to 5" – Variety


Jane Fonda had a five-year career as an actress, but before getting involved in anti-war activism after the Vietnam War, Fonda said her life was " hectic, "but not as significant.

"I've been a kind of pretty girl who made movies," Fonda told the Television Critics Association panel for her upcoming HBO documentary, "Jane Fonda in Five Acts." "When I decided to meddle with the anti-war movement, everything changed … Everything … The way I looked at the world and the others, the people I was drawn to .. Everything has changed. "

At the time, Fonda remembers, she met American soldiers in Paris, who told her what they had seen and done during the war. Prior to this experience, she admitted that she had been "completely uninvolved" in something political and "did not even know where Vietnam was". She had also believed that if there were men fighting, they were "on the side of the angels. "

" I did not like that there were men in France who knew better than me, "she said." The play has changed. I said, "I feel betrayed by the leadership of this country. We have been lied to, and I want to do everything I can to expose that. "


Fonda then became a strong part of the anti-war movement; she was photographed in 1972 on an antiaircraft rifle, which earned her the nickname "Hanoi Jane".

"I'm proud to have gone to Vietnam when I did it, but what I say in the movie is true: I'm so sorry that I've been pretty inconsiderate for m & rsquo; To sit on that weapon at that time. The message that sends to the guys who were there and their families is horrible for me to think about that, "she said. "Sometimes I think:" Oh, I'd like to be able to do it because there are things I would say differently now. "

Like Fonda's memoir before her, the doc "Jane Fonda in Five Acts" delves into what she's learned from her work as an activist, as well as an actress.

"I would not want to use the word revolution now, but constant change [is important to me]," said Fonda. "I'm only 80 years old and I still have a few decades left to live if I'm lucky, and why stay alive if you do not learn and grow and do not change." ? … You can not make your life any longer, but you can make it deeper and wider. "

On the actors' side, a key project that had a lasting impact on Fonda was" 9 to 5 ", the 1980 film that explored the difficulties faced by women in the workplace at the time. Fonda is committed to the upcoming reboot as an executive producer and said that she actually thinks it is worse for women at work today in many ways.

She noted, "you worked for the company; If you had problems, you went to the company. But today, much of the hiring is outsourced, so if there is a problem, many employees do not know where to turn. In addition, she adds, things like social media make it easier to spy on employees.

However, Ms. Fonda said she believed that "badual harbadment will fall because guys are scared."

Follow the original and dive into such questions, focusing on a dynamic group of powerful female characters. If the film does not, Fonda said, "I'm not going to be there, but right now, Dolly [Parton] Lily [Tomlin] and I intend to be there." [19659015] [ad_2]
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