Joe Walsh on the video of Guns for Toddlers in Sacha Baron Cohen's Who Is America?


The former congressman participated in a PSA for a fictional program that would teach preschoolers how to use firearms at the premiere of Sacha Baron Cohen's satire series.

A day before the premiere of the new issue of Sacha Baron Cohen Who is America? Former Illinois MP Joe Walsh attempted to clarify his participation in the satirical series of Showtime

America? Cohen – pretending to be a fake Israeli "anti-terrorist expert" named Colonel Erran Morad – easily convinced several former and current Republican members of Congress, including Walsh, to participate in a PSA encouraging Americans to support a From an appearance on CNN, Walsh – now a conservative radio host – explained why he seemed to support the idea of ​​arming toddlers with rifles.

"After conducting an interview, they had me read a teleprompter that talked about some of the innovative products invented by Israel," Walsh told CNN. "Then they made me read an article about this 4-year-old boy in Israel who, when a terrorist entered his clbad, seized the terrorist's weapon and held the terrorist at bay. how to use firearms, and the boy should not we do that in America? "

Walsh said that Cohen was able to persuade him to appear on the show by offering him "a price of Israeli television because I'm a big supporter of Israel."

About Who is America? Walsh read the following from a screenplay written by Cohen: "The three-week Kinderguardian Intensive Course introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semi-automatic, and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars.In less than a month – less than a month – a first grader can become a first grenade. (Watch clip, below.)

Walsh told CNN that while he was reading it, he thought, "Well, it's a little crazy, but Israel and Israel are strong in defense. "

After the broadcast on Sunday night, Walsh continued to explain his participation in the skit, which was also aimed at Philip Van Cleave, gun rights advocate, Larry Pratt, founder of Gun Owners of America, former Trent Lott member Senator, and Dana Rohrabacher, Republican Congressman. , South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson and Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz.

In response to several media outlets that reached out on Twitter, Walsh said, "Do I think kindergarten children should be armed?" "No, but it's on me, Sacha misled me, I have to live with it."

After admitting that it was "my crap," he wrote, in part, in another tweet: "I must say what I said … It was all one But he did me 30 seconds of gifted stuff on firearms."

Explaining that He "read from a TelePrompTer", he added: "I was reading about what Israel is doing in DC to get a friend price from Israel, a 45-minute talk on my support for Israel, stuck in this slogan about children and guns, and no, I do not think we should train and arm kindergarten children 19659013] I was reading from a TelePrompTer, promoting various Israeli innovations, I read a story about a child in Israel who arrested a terrorist, and then read that Israel was training children with guns. was extreme, but Israel must be extreme. The story was a lie. 1)

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) July 15, 2018

Last week, Walsh urged his social media followers to #BoycottShowtime and said that "Cohen's tactics are disgusting." He continued: "I was taken to the studio, the production was a mess, I sat down and started talking about pro-Israel stuff, Israeli defense, then left field, l & # 39; interviewer starts talking about child advocacy. "

Walsh also defended Sarah Palin, who said last week that she had" fooled "in an interview with Cohen and claimed that the comedian was disguising himself in veteran of the American war.

"I totally get @ SachaBaronCohen's concert," tweeted Wlsh. "It's a comedian, and it can be funny, but making fun of a disabled veteran for parody @SarahPalinUSA is a serious affair. I'm just telling you what I've come across – this is Was a lot of the same as she experienced. " a Hollywood billboard was hijacked to target the jester himself, Baron Cohen, on his wounded veteran character who deceived Palin and Ted Koppel. Koppel, Roy Moore and radio host Austin Rhodes are other personalities who pretended to be dupes. Bernie Sanders was one of the political targets of the first.

Who is America?

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