Johnny Depp would have been abandoned during the restart of Pirates of the Caribbean


Looks like the rumor Pirates of the Caribbean the restart, if that happens, will continue without the biggest star of the franchise. One of the biggest questions about the potential restart was whether this would include Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow. Now, a source says that Depp finished with the movies. Stuart Beattie, one of the authors of the original Pirates of the Caribbean: the curse of the black pearl, apparently confirmed the release of Depp, saying …

I think that he had a good race. He obviously endorsed this character and became the character for whom he is most famous. And kids around the world love him as a character, so I think it's been great for him, that we've been great, so I'm really very happy about that.

Stuart Beattie made these comments to DailyMailTV and reportedly nodded to Depp's possible departure, followed by the comments above.

We do not know how well Stuart Beattie is "in the know" at the moment. Although he was credited with each new Pirates of the Caribbean film as having contributed to the creation of the characters, he participated directly only in the writing of the first film. It's possible that he knows that a potential reboot will not use any of the characters he's created, including Captain Jack Sparrow. He could also just badume that the word "restart" means that Jack Sparrow is finished. At this point, the word reboot means so much to Hollywood that it is far from certain.

Of course, that would also mean that the potential restart, that Disney would have met dead Pool Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick about writing would be a complete start, no existing character making the jump to new movies. Anyway, it did not seem like there was a lot of luck finding Keira Knightley again.

The news of a potential restart was somewhat surprising. While the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies have always been a source of revenue for Disney, whether they were critically received or not, according to current rumors, Disney was considering another sequel.

The implication, whether correct or not, is that Disney may be looking to create a Depp-less The Pirates film because the actor has been something of a lightning rod for controversy in recent months. The actor has been involved in numerous lawsuits regarding his finances and his relationship with Amber Heard has been fueled by charges of abuse. Warner Bros. was criticized for bringing Johnny Depp aboard Fantastic beasts franchise and there is a good chance that if Disney brings him back for another film, he receives a similar reaction.

Stuart Beattie has a positive view of the progression of the franchise without the characters that he has helped to create.

There is this saying, do not frown because it is over, smile because it happened. And the fact that they restart something you have done means that you have done something that is worth restarting. So, I tend to view it as half full glbad and it's an honor to be restarted.

It's not a shock that Disney thinks the franchise deserves to be revived, it brought them $ 4.5 billion at the box office.

Of course, if the Pirates of the Caribbean the franchise is online for a full reboot, so you have to wonder what direction it might take. The film could still be shot in the existing cinematic universe, a Caribbean where Jack Sparrow exists, just will not be. We could also see a prequel that occurs before the events of the existing franchise. It has been possible to set up a tradition and a story, allowing new movies to connect to existing movies without having to use any of the characters. However, it could just as well start with something quite fresh.

The original movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: the curse of the black pearl has found a story in the Theme Park's original ride, which features an opening sequence full of skeletons, one of whom still stands behind the wheel of a ship and another who seems to drink. These images inspired the skeletal pirates that Jack Sparrow faced. Easter eggs were also inserted in the carousel, like the famous dog holding the key to a prison cell.

I certainly hope that Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese will come back to the race to seek inspiration for their new film. Of course, thanks to the popularity of the film franchise, Captain Jack Sparrow and the iconic musical theme of Hans Zimmer have taken a good part of the journey. This may be more difficult.

However, as I have already written, there is a place in the race that has a lot of potential, a relatively new element of attraction and has therefore never been part of previous films.

One of the most well-known vignettes of the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction is the auction sequence, where a pirate is auctioning the women of a city recently looted from other pirates. . Recently, the decision was made to update this moment, and the beautiful redheaded animatronic who was previously receiving calls from hackers cats is now a hacker herself, from the aptly named Redd.

This seems to be the ideal character to create a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie around. It does not need to recycle the rolling stock already used for the film and is a character as far removed from Captain Jack Sparrow as you can get. Disney has also invested heavily in Redd. In addition to being in the arena itself, she is also a character who walks around with whom you can take a picture at Disneyland.

Of course, all this may be premature because it is not confirmed that Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have agreed to write a Pirates of the Caribbean movie at all. Disney can certainly go looking for other authors if they refuse, but no matter, we are still waiting for confirmation that this reboot will actually happen.

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