Jurgen Klopp gets in Jose Mourinho after 'mind games'


Jose Mourinho and Jürgen Klopp have been indulging in a low-key war, after Mourinho saw a chance to undermine comments made by Klopp two years ago.

When Paul Pogba rejoined Manchester United for a fee of around £ 90m, Klopp was critical of the game, so much so that he got injured, you are back to square one.

Klopp has developed a reputation for being a manager who builds excellent teams with not much money, but many people have cited Liverpool It's the future of the silverware at Liverpool, he will have to spend.

"That's the problem, you say something and whatever you say, nobody will forget it," Klopp said.

"I could not imagine that the world would change li It's been a long time since, but it's been a million years ago. "

The Liverpool boss was today asked by Sky Sports whether he thought Mourinho was trying to entice him into a battle of mind games. Klopp's response was in the affirmative.

"Yeah, for sure, a little bit but that's okay," he said.

"But I heard that this is the way to go. It does not happen too often and if it happens because of Liverpool – well done, "he added.

" I said a few things [in the past] I can not really remember what I said but I know what I said about the Pogba transfer

"We would never talk about Manchester United unless somebody asks me."

"That's not always the smartest thing to do, Jose Mourinho is saying, "It's a free world and he can say whatever he wants."

"If he is happy about our transfers automatically whatever. "

Klopp knows exactly what Mourinho is trying to do, and he seems unlikely to fall into his trap [19659016] if (consentManager.isAllowed ('facebook')) {
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