Logan director James Mangold warns that Fandom's backlash will push talent out of genre films


Logan, looking at all angry fans.
Image: 20th Century Fox

Nowadays, fans are angry. Oh, they are angry. And James Mangold worries about the effect it will have on the culture industry.

Pressing Twitter, Mangold (who still has interesting ideas about pop media) shared his thoughts on the direction taken by Fandom in 2018 and the results that it will produce.

tweets, Mangold emphasizes his concern that fandom's indignation, and the fear of disturbing an enthusiastic crowd of commentators, Tweeters, YouTubers, and other variants of online fans, will lead intelligent people and creative to want to do everything with big franchises. He compares it to a religious fervor: saying or doing the wrong thing, and you could be considered a blasphemer.

At the Address io9, we have already talked about how the fandom can have a detrimental effect on the industry when it becomes naughty. To love something is good and good, but when it turns into a troll and harbadment, it really hurts the people involved in creating these things. And Mangold is right: people will leave. And it is the people most vulnerable to this kind of treatment, women and people of color and marginalized people of all kinds, who will be hunted as quickly and easily as possible.

It is refreshing to see an eminent creator highlight this fact, which many people in the lower echelons of the culture industry are already well aware of. If we want a world of genre fiction that is diverse, exciting and relevant, it is important to oppose and eliminate hateful and harbading behaviors. And we need creators like Mangold to help.

[ Twitter via Slash Film]

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