Look: These Line Rider Classic Music Videos Are Almost Hypnotic


YouTuber DoodleChaos has created Line Rider videos on some of the most famous pieces of clbadical music and the results are almost hypnotic.

DoodleChaos said that he always liked physics synchronized to music and was inspired to create the videos.

The videos are laborious to create but the results are amazing.

"Since I've been comparing everything using hand-and-hand tests and errors, my videos take a lot of time to do," he says.

The video of Mountain King, which became viral, took about a month to go.

His latest creation, Dance of the Line Riders, with three riders, took him even longer.

DoodleChaos says his main purpose of choosing songs is to find something he likes to hear, which is not surprising when you consider how much he has to listen to it when he creates the videos.

Watching the riders slide on the notes is both dly intense soothing depending on the track you are listening to.

If you want to create your own Line Rider video, you can do it here.

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