Martin Russell steps down as director of Bray Wanderers


In the middle of Bray Wanderers, club director Martin Russell resigned from his position.

FAI imposes sanction on club after missed deadline In a statement on the club's website, Russell said: "Due to the unrealistic constraints and circumstances that have occurred lately in Cork City Bray Wanderers FC, it is with deep regret that I made the decision to resign from his position as director.

"I want to thank all the staff, the fans and the players for their efforts at the club. It was a trying time for all those concerned and it once again highlights the lack of a real football industry to which we can all aspire.

Martin Russell resigned as director of Bray Wanderers. Martin's full statement on our website.

– Bray Wanderers FC (@BrayWanderers) July 18, 2018

"I want to express my sincere gratitude to Gerry Mulvey, the club's president who, like me, the staff, the players and the fans, is as much a Victim "Gerry has always been honest with me, but unfortunately the promises made to him have been constantly canceled and, despite his tireless efforts, he has not been able to find enough support. "I believe Gerry has always wanted something good for football to come out of his involvement with FC Bray Wanderers and his participation in the Airtricity League.

19659002]" With a variety of diaries and agendas Non-cooperative and restrictive measures taken, the role of managing and focusing on the victory of football matches has left me at this point. "I truly hope that the great game we love and follow succeeds in finding a better average but, at the moment, it's impossible to be a manager in the current environment. "

After Russell's departure, Graham Kelly was reinstated as interim leader.

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