Meghan Markle Gives Her First Speech of the Royal Tour in Fiji


by Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The day after appearing at the most formal engagement of their royal tour so far—a state dinner in Fiji, to which the Duchess of Susbad wore a striking blue caped gown—Harry and Meghan visited the University of the South Pacific campus together, where they surprised students in the library with pizzas and guest-taught a British history clbad. No, in actual fact, the two were there to do the usual royal-visit rigmarole, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the university. They both went with what we’ll call island casual looks for the appearance, Meghan in a ruffled pink Figue Frederica dress, and Harry in a blue short-sleeved tropical button down. (Now men the world over can claim, if ever criticized for wearing a short-sleeved shirt to an nice event, “Hey, this is what princes wear.”)

The two were greeted by musicians and crowds, and eventually watched a performance about the “effects of climate change in the Pacific” from a dance troupe, before chatting with students.

Meghan gave her first speech of the royal tour at the school, speaking about the importance of education. “Everyone should be afforded the opportunity to receive the education they want, but more importantly the education they have the right to receive. And for women and girls in developing countries, this is vital. Providing them with access to education is the key to economic and social development. Because when girls are given the right tools to succeed, they can create incredible futures, not only for themselves but also for those around them. . . . My husband Harry and I wish you all the very best of luck as you continue your studies and work. Your efforts now will help to make a positive future for each of you, and your communities at large—congratulations to you all!”

Earlier, Harry made a solo appearance at a ceremony at a war memorial. After the first week of the tour, the Palace announced that Meghan—now a few months pregnant—would be cutting back on her number of engagements for the remainder of the tour.

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