Meghan Markle's father, Thomas Markle, thinks she's terrified and asks to speak with her


Meghan Markle's father Thomas Markle thinks she looks "terrified" on outings with husband Prince Harry and his new royal family and pleads to be able to talk and be reconciled with his daughter after being "avoided".

The 73-year-old made his comments to The Sun in what marks his second in-camera interview since the Duke and Duchess of Susbad May. marriage, that he had missed because of a heart surgery and watched on TV in Mexico, where he lives.

"My thing about my daughter is that I think she's terrified," Thomas told the newspaper in comments posted on Sunday. . "I see him in his eyes, I see him on his face and I see him in his smile, I saw him smile for years, I know his smile, I do not like the one I see now. it's not even a stage smile – it's a painful smile. "

" It may be just a few bad days, I do not know, it really worries me, I think it's under too much pressure, "he said." There is a high price to pay to be married to this family. "

Thomas also called Meghan's royal style" something of an old movie. "Like his sister-in-law Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge , his daughter typically comes out with modest and upscale fashions

"Why in 2018 do we dress like the 1930s?" he said, "why do they have to cover their knees?"

  Meghan Markle , Duchess of Susbad

Tim Rooke / REX / Shutterstock

In the weeks leading up to the wedding, Thomas was publicly criticized after being photographed by paparazzi in the Mexican seaside town of Rosarito, where he lives, for staged photos and then apologized for staging them, declaring last month in his first radio interview ITV from the royal wedding, "I thought it would be a good way & # 39; improve my appearance. l & # 39; hell. "

Thomas Said The Sun that he thinks that he is" avoided "by Megan and his new in-laws because he" made a profit on the staged images. "He said that he apologized to the royal family about them.

" Whoever makes a profit on the royal family becomes despised ", he says. "The royal family lives by outdated rules: half of Britain seems to make a fortune selling pictures of my daughter and her husband.

Thomas narrated The Sun that he spoke briefly to Meghan and Harry, briefly, after the wedding and could not reach him since. Kensington Palace did not comment on his remarks.

"Since the interview, the phone number that I'm calling is no longer working," he said The Sun in remarks in camera. "I think the affair with the royal family never responds, and I do not have an address to which I can write, so I have no way of contacting my daughter."

Thomas says that it's been a long time since he spoke to Meghan.

"My message [to her] would be:" I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry for everything that went wrong, "he said." And I want to be his grandfather. father of child [future] and I want to be near them, I want to be part of their life, I would like to put aside our differences and gather, I miss you a lot. "

" I do not care if she's mad at me-I want to see her, "he said The Sun " I just want to have a father-daughter relationship, I'm I am busy with my mother during the last five years of her life, my daughter told me that she would take care of me in my years of decline, I do not talk about money … I talk about taking care of me, it's important to me. "

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