Meghan's father, Markle, simulated a surgical operation


The honeymoon is definitely over for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, at least as far as his American parents are concerned.

Lord Peter Hain, Chair of Nelson Mandela's Centennial Committee accompanies the granddaughter of Prince Harry, Meghan and Nelson Mandela Dlamini-Mandela Zamaswazi during a visit to the centennial Nelson Mandela's exhibition at London, England. (Arthur Edwards – WPA Pool / Getty Images)

Meghan's 73-year-old father, Thomas Markle, promised that he would not stop complaining to the media before she and her husband agree to take his phone calls and acknowledge that he exists. Meanwhile, older half-sister Samantha Markle tore the new Susbad duchess Tuesday on Twitter, saying, "If our father dies, I hold you accountable, Meg!"

But Meghan 's sides are fighting too, but in an unofficial way, backchannel. On Wednesday, a "source close to the Duchess of Susbad" told The Daily Mail that the retired lighting designer "General Hospital" never suffered from heart disease. He instead simulated an emergency surgery to avoid going to the royal wedding on May 19 and to attract sympathy after being caught staging tabloid photos with a paparazzi

"All the story of Meghan's father," said the source. "He had to find reason enough not to attend his wedding and avoid further embarrbadment after these staged photos became public." [19659004] Yes, things get very unpleasant between Los Angles, his family, with growing animosity since the Windsor and Meghan TV weddings at Windsor Castle.

Of course, things had been strained for a long time between Meghan, 36, and his half-brothers, Samantha Markle and Thomas Markle Jr., who are in their 50s and lead much less glamorous lives, respectively, in Florida and Grants Pbad, Oregon.

Duchess e and Duke of Susbad leave Windsor Castle after their wedding to attend an evening reception. (Photo by Steve Parsons – WPA Pool / Getty

The brothers and sisters, children of Markle Sr.'s first marriage, became increasingly critical of the future icon of royal and humanitarian fashion at the approach of her marriage. On Twitter, in media interviews or in an open letter, they portrayed Meghan as a calculating social climber who turned her back on their aging father while her TV career was taking off and she had begun dating Harry in 2016.

tense between Meghan and his father, who divorced his mother Doria Ragland when she was 6 years old. But it was said that the girl and the father corrected things. She and Harry called at the end of November before they announced their engagement.

They also invited him to take him to the alley at St. George's Chapel, at Windsor Castle. Markle Sr., who lives on a fixed income in Mexico, was finally to meet his future rich and famous son-in-law just before the wedding.

But the rapprochement began to be felt after Markle Sr. was caught the weekend before the wedding, leaving a paparazzo staging pictures of him getting ready for the wedding. There were also reports that he sold his story to the tabloids for over $ 100,000. The scandal triggers a series of crises: Markle Sr. allegedly suffered a heart attack and should have been operated on.

He stated that he was admitted to the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center in San Diego, a few kilometers north of the Mexican border. But the Daily Mail reported that the hospital and staff had said that "no name like this" had ever been admitted.

Markle Sr. claimed that her daughter and Harry had initially forgiven him, both for the paparazzi photos and for not coming to the wedding. He said that they called him while he was recovering from an operation and even promised to visit him in Mexico

. Markle Sr. continued to talk to the media, including Piers Morgan on June 18th. He told Morgan how he and Harry talked on the phone with Donald Trump and Brexit. Such revelations could make things embarrbading for his son-in-law, who is supposed to remain publicly neutral about politics.

Markle Sr. then spoke to TMZ at the end of June, saying that he was annoyed that Queen Elizabeth II intended to meet with the President. Trump on June 13 – before meeting him.

Markle Sr. later stated that her daughter had stopped talking to her after the interview with "Good Morning Britain". So, in an offer admitted for his attention, he gave another interview to the Sun, which was released Sunday. In the interview, he spoke of her proximity and that of Meghan and expressed the opinion that she looked "terrified" and dissatisfied with her new royal role. He then complained of being shunned.

Thomas Markle publicly pleads in favor of his daughter Meghan

– The Sun (@TheSun) July 15, 2018

"Since the interview, the phone number that I'm calling no longer works, "said Markle Sr. at the Sun." I guess the bond with the royal family never responds, and I can not write to an address, so I n & # 39; I have no way of contacting my daughter. "

Markle Sr. also told the Sun that he could fly to The UK refuses to leave unless Meghan meets him …

"Anyone who benefits from the Royal Family becomes despised," said Markle Sr. at the Sun. "I could have won over $ 100,000 by doing a talk show. So, if I moved to London and started selling mugs with my daughter's face, would they run away? "

" Sale coupes "are a corporate pit sanctioned by the royal family for selling royal souvenirs.He also expressed the fear that he" could actually die soon "and that he would like to be back on good terms with his daughter as soon as possible.

But Markle Sr. spoke a little more on Tuesday, telling TMZ that it "

" I shut up for a full year and the press beat me every day saying that I was a hermit who was hiding in Mexico, so I told my story, "he told TMZ." Apparently, this interview put the royal family in their mode of silence. … so, I gave another interview to break the silence. All they have to do is talk to me. "

Samantha Markle was late Tuesday night, after seeing her younger sister in her humanitarian mode at an exhibition in London." Meghan was there with Harry, and the show is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of former South African leader and international icon Nelson Mandela.

In a series of tweets on her private account, Samantha Markle reprimanded Meghan for "paying homage" to others, "says Nelson Mandela, while dissecting his own family, according to TMZ

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