Netflix's profile icons get a new look with characters from his own shows – TechCrunch


Netflix gives its profile icons a makeover for a long time. The company announced this morning that it is replacing the icons that it launched five years ago with a new set of updated icons, including those of Netflix's own broadcasts. Unfortunately, Netflix has not completely abandoned its old icons, which have never really been so fun. If you still want to be a masked superhero lady or a frilly man with glbades, do it. These have just been updated with a little more color. What is more appealing is to be able to choose a character icon from one of your favorite Netflix shows.

Shows Like Orange is the New Black, Luke Cage, Queer Eye, Strange Things, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and others are represented among over 100 new icons coming out soon.

The change is not just about Netflix updating a key feature of its application – it's also a way for the service can subtly promote its own original programming to users, and help them feel more connected with the shows they like. After all, when you create your own profile image of Stranger Things you are regularly reminded of how much you love this show – and watching Netflix in general.

The company is experimenting regularly with new ways to promote its programming like this – just recently, it begins to test the full-screen images of its shows instead of the black background on the login screen, by example. (At the time, we had noted that updated profile icons would be a better choice.)

Netflix also deployed screensavers last year, and presented mobile previews inspired by Stories this spring to better present its originals. ] Netflix could spend up to $ 13 billion in original programming this year, according to Fortune. So it makes sense that he is looking for a way to introduce his shows to Netflix users in order to then get hooked on his exclusive content and then keep them subscribers.

The new profile icons are deployed on the website, mobile and TV devices over the next few weeks.

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