New Avengers 4 Fan Theory takes this idea from Nick Fury much further


Marvel was very stingy about the details of the plot Avengers 4which led some fans to go wild with theories about what's going on in the movie. One of the theories claims that Nick Fury knew a lot more than he would suggest and that he actually knew Thanos and The Snap years before the Infinity Stone hunt. Now, a Reddit theorist has gone much further by saying that everything in the MCU has been pre-ordered as part of Dr. Strange's final game.

A Reddit user named sfmarch07 has published a very long and detailed theory on the role of Nick Fury and Iron Man in Avengers 4. Built from elements of some other theories, this new type of fan speculation goes deep into Nick Fury's role within the MCU, claiming that Jackson's character will have a vision of the future in the future. Captain Marvel, in which he will see Thanos defeat the Avengers and annihilate half of the universe.

According to speculation, Fury will be presented with vital events, characters and everything that needs to be done so that the Avengers can defeat Thanos in the only positive result expected by Dr. Strange. Avengers: Infinity War. It is possible that Dr. Strange is the one who presents this vision to Fury.

This theory basically explains how and why things happened in the MCU. He tries to explain why Fury first recruited Tony Stark and gave him his father's box of secrets The Iron Man 2, as well as the reason he waited until the last minute to call Captain Marvel. Theoretically, this was part of a grand design to finally defeat Thanos.

The other big part of this large-scale theory is that Tony Stark will have to make a big sacrifice in Avengers 4. It has been widely speculated that Avengers 4 will use the time travel while the Avengers are trying to recover the Infinity Stones of the past. This means that they will have to take the stone of soul, which requires sacrifices.

Rather than Pepper Potts or Captain America making the sacrifice, the theory is that Tony is doing something else: killing his parents. The conjecture says that Tony will come back in time to infiltrate Hydra and order the blow to his parents. This would be the "toughest decision any character has to make in the MCU as a whole," as the theory says, adding that it would put an extra burden on Iron Man.

Theories of fans can be really fun to read, and it's great to see the wild and different things that people think. Personally, I do not think anything of this particular theory will occur – especially the Tony-kills-his-parents part. This is simple nuts. Nick Fury's idea is interesting, but it strips a bit of all those films if the Avengers were always strategically willing to win every battle at the end.

Will Nick Fury be revealed to be a huge puppet master? We will have to wait and see in Avengers 4, which will be released on May 3, 2019.

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