New photos of Louis, George and Charlotte for Charles’ 70th


The Prince of Wales is surrounded by his family in two new photos that have been released to celebrate his 70th birthday this week.

The images, taken in the grounds of Clarence House, show Charles and Camilla sitting on a bench with grandchildren Prince George, five, and Princess Charlotte, three, either side of them.

William and Harry stand behind them, with Kate and Meghan either side. The Duchess of Cambridge holds Prince Louis in her arms.

But it is the apparent closeness between Charlotte, George and their grandparents that catches the eye.

In a recent documentary, William spoke of how he wants his father, who celebrates his birthday on Wednesday, to spend more time with George, Charlotte and Louis.

He said: “I would like him to have more time with the children. He’s reached his seventieth year, it’s a perfect time to consolidate a little bit because as most families would do, you are worried about having them around and making sure their health’s OK, and he’s the fittest man I know but equally I want him to be fit until he’s 95.”

We really want to know what they’re giggling about (Chris Jackson/Getty)

The photos appear to have been taken at around the same time as an image of Charles holding his youngest grandchild’s hands, when Louis was six months old, released last week after an ITV documentary.

In the first picture, the Royal Family are seen composed and looking directly at the camera. In contrast, the second shot is more natural and shows the family laughing and looking more relaxed.

The Duchess of Susbad, who is pregnant with her first child, is in hysterics, while Camilla puts an arm around Charlotte and appears to be pointing to something.

Third in line to the throne George sits on his grandfather’s knee in both snaps, dressed in a light blue striped shirt, shorts and knee high socks.

The family’s clothing was clearly carefully considered. The royals are wearing matching shades of blue, white and navy, with the Duchess of Cambridge wearing a polka dot Alessandra Rich midi dress. The Duchess of Susbad is in a minimalist white and navy Givenchy number.

William and Harry both opt for a smart-casual look, donning suits without ties, while their father stands out in a blue striped suit and light blue tie.

Camilla is elegant in a cream v-neck frock with bad, two-tone pumps, while Charlotte wears one of her trademark ditsy print smock dresses with navy blue buckle-up shoes. Little brother Louis is in a white shirt and light blue shorts.

This is the first time we’ve seen the family all together since Prince Louis’ christening in July. The Queen is reportedly hosting a lavish bash at Buckingham Palace to celebrate Charles’ milestone birthday on Wednesday night.

garden party at Buckingham Palace for his staff and to celebrate the work of his charities.” data-reactid=”75″>Festivities to mark the milestone occasion began earlier this summer, when Charles threw a garden party at Buckingham Palace for his staff and to celebrate the work of his charities.

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