Papa struck by cancer has committed suicide after bailiffs threatened to take back his house for over 70,000 pounds of debt


A daughter of HEARTBROKEN recounts how her father with cancer committed suicide after being hunted by bailiffs who threatened to repossess his home for £ 70,000 debt.

Nigel Hurst At the age of 56, he was originally only £ 2,203, his debts were £ 70,000, and before his death he paid a monthly fee of £ 800 for the purpose of repaying the money.

   Nigel Hurst, 56, photographed with 26 year old daughter Jessica


] Nigel Hurst, 56, photographed with 26 year old daughter Jessica

In October of the year Last, his body was found, and he left a note to girls Jessica, 26, and Sally, 20, explaining his decision. It is written, "It breaks my heart to write that, I love you with all my heart."

"I've been so unhappy in my personal life for so long, I can not go on.Now I'm about to lose my house as well as my self-esteem, I decided to go there.

"Do not be sad for me long, pbad for me will be a huge relief.The body was found, and Jessica realized how he had been hunted by the bailiffs" clbad = "lazyload" data-src = "{width}" data-sizes = "auto" data-img = "" height = "445" width = "444" />


In October of last year her body was found, and Jessica realized how he had been hunted down by the bailiffs.

After the death of their father – who had been fighting cancer since 2004 – bailiffs gave his daughters a few hours at Christmas to collect sentimental items in the house that is now under their control.

Jessica shared the note with the Daily Record in an effort to expose the impact that bailiffs can have on people's lives.

She said, "This debt drove my father to commit suicide.It is totally disgusting and inhuman.

If you are concerned with any of the issues raised in this article, please call the Samaritans on 116123 .

   Jessica shared the note with the aim of exposing the impact that bailiffs can have on people's lives


Jessica shared the note with the purpose of exposing the impact that bailiffs can have on people's lives

The pressure on him was unbearable, no human being could not stand this in addition to having cancer, it's just not fair. "

The family later learned that Nigel was living without heat or water.

He had also lost teeth due to cancer treatment, but could not afford to replace them.

Nigel's is sui three days after filing Jessica at the Royal Conservatory of Scotland, Glasgow, where she studies

She said: "He was very quiet in the car that day, which did not look like him, then he stayed all day with me to help me unpack, now I understand why. "

Keep the family home – valued at £ 140,000 – Jessica offered to pay £ 40,000 in March dr A woman said: "If you can afford scams, you can afford a taxi" after sliding Asda trolley

BDO UK said: "On Wednesday 4 October 2017, a bailiff and an agent were to meet Mr. Hurst and the property delivered. "

"Unfortunately, the tragic discovery of Mr. Hurst's death was made.

" BDO waived its statutory right to be paid all its fees, and in contact with other stakeholders in order to minimize the liabilities and costs of bankruptcy. "

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