Pep Guardiola casts doubt on the future of Manchester City admitting that he could get bored of winning


Pep Guardiola admits that he could become tired of winning in Manchester City.

Guardiola hopes to see the new three year contract that he signed during the summer and stay in City longer than he has directed any other club.

He left his beloved Barcelona in 2012 because he was tired and he said he would talk to the city council if he lost his mojo again.

"The football coaches, we are still in a dangerous position," said the Blues boss

"But the family is happy to live in Manchester.The Premier League experiences are good. I have a young team and I am comfortable working with them

"But football, when you feel tired and the players do not follow you, even if I have the contract, I'll talk to people about it. and we will find a solution. But I will do my best to stay together this time. "

Pep Guardiola admits that he could get tired of winning at City

Guardiola claims his continuous reign at Etihad"

"When we decided to extend the contract, first of all, I am comfortable and, second, the club has confidence in what we do, "he said in Dortmund [19659008]

Riyadh Mahrez joined the Guardiola side

"Khaldoon [Al Mubarak] Txiki [Begiristain] and Ferran [Soriano] know that it depends on the results, we still have three years of contract, but the results will dictate what will happen in the future.

"If we are not able to be consistent and to be there to win the title. It's the most important thing to arrive in April and May and be there for the title. "

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