Pete Davidson has removed all his Instagram photos and fans have a lot of questions


Another day, another celebrity has deleted Instagram posts. On Monday, Pete Davidson removed his Instagram photos, and now fans have a lot of questions about the decision. Is it for creative purposes? Is it because he just wants to start fresh? Does this have to do with the recent backlash that Davidson faced for a comment that he left on Instagram of Ariana Grande in honor of his late grandfather? At this point, the answer remains unclear. (Bustle extended his hand to Davidson's representative for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.)

UPDATE: Pete Davidson uploaded the following statement to his Instagram story on Monday 23 July, explaining why he deleted his Instagram feed: "No, there is nothing wrong, nothing has happened, no, there is nothing cryptic, I do not want more being on instagram or on social networks, the internet is an evil place and it does not make me feel why should I spend time on negative energy when my real life is on? The fact that I must even say that it proves my point I love you all and I'm sure I'll be back to some point 🙂 your neighborhood goon, pete "

Pete Davidson / Instagram

LATER: as if that was not enough, the fans also say Great turns off his comments on Instagram, which makes them even more con was. (Bustle reached out to Grande's representative for a comment, but did not receive an immediate response.) Nowadays, no one, especially celebrities, seems to be able to make that kind of change on people. social networks without someone noticing. More recently, Miley Cyrus has removed her Instagram photos, and people continue to be mystified by her actions.

The fans respond, of course, to Davidson wiping Instagram and Great would have disabled his comments on Instagram. Mostly, everyone wants answers immediately, but none of them has offered any explanation yet. Here's a screenshot of Davidson's Instagram page:

Pete Davidson / Instagram

In response, here are some of the many tweets that have popped up.

All capsules are needed

C is

What's going on?

So many questions

It's a huge mystery

It's too hard to handle.

Just leave them

This person wants people to keep their

Chill Out Already

It's time to relax

That's all that matters

Why not can not they be happy?

To The Point [19659011]

It's just too much


Again, neither Davidson nor the singer "No Tears Left To Cry" have explained their actions, but many badume that it is in response to negativity. Saturday Night Live star received for her comment on a photo of Grande and her grandfather, who died of cancer in 2014. On July 22, she shared an image of him in his bed of # 39, hospital and wrote, "miss n love forever my best friend # 4 years old."

As reported by She Davidson commented, "Omg what cute", who did not sit well with the fans. Many thought the comedian was referring to Grande and accused him of being inappropriate. In response to an Instagram user who criticized him, Davidson replied, "Are you all crazy? I was talking about her grandfather's cutie, what's wrong? You are really going to look for anything to attack people. "According to She Davidson also commented on" goals "on another image that Great shared from her grandparents she captioned, "forever n then some."

Since Grande and Davidson started being engaged, they were under a microscope .It was as if their relationship was coming out of nowhere, not to After almost two years of meetings, Grande confirmed his break with Mac Miller on May 10. Shortly after, May 16, Davidson revealed his break with Cazzie David, which he dated for two years, when Grande and Davidson became public with their romance, fans became more than

The singer and the actor have certainly not been able to escape scrutiny, which may be the reason why Davidson has removed his photos and that Grande would have extinguished his comments. Monday, Great also tweeted "The energy that you have extinguished is exactly what you come in, if you like it, creates a beautiful life for you." We do not know what it is referring to, but it definitely makes an important point.

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