Philip Bromwell on how small devices can create great stories


The omnipresence of the smartphone denies its true capabilities as a creative tool, says video journalist Philip Bromwell.

Philip Bromwell began his Inspirefest 2018 talk with an uncomfortable experience. The RTÉ video journalist, who has covered everything from the Olympics to the refugee crisis, has asked members of the public to unlock their phones and pbad them to the person next to them. As nervous laughter rang through the theater, he asked, "How does that feel?"

The importance of the mobile phone in everyday life, said Bromwell, is inescapable, especially in In the last five years, Bromwell and his team at RTÉ have created mobile video reports.

"The real hurdle to these kinds of things has never been so low, editorials to other organizations or even the public. "

He compared the use of your smartphone just for Facebook scrolling and email to have a Ferrari and drive it only in first gear.

A newsroom in your pocket

The potential of a mobile device for the media and the development of mobile journalism (mojo) makes the smartphone a type of "Swiss Army Knife" or "like having a writing room in his pocket ". With a phone, you can go live, edit and publish everything from a single device, and it is also the main source from which people receive their news.

Bromwell explained that he and his team have developed a "mobile-to-mobile workflow" to create original stories that will first be published on digital and social platforms of RTÉ. "This is where the audience is."

He is pbadionate about stories that center people, following the manifesto: "Make me feel, make me think or give a voice to the person" . on the "General Newspaper", Bromwell appreciates when a story starts small and has a big impact.

Exciting Stories

The story of Alma Harrak, a 14-year-old Syrian refugee living under direct yoke, captivated the crowd. The girl learned to play the piano, and her pbadion and dedication to the instrument were evident in the report. This is how President Michael D Higgins and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees became aware of his story and that she gets the piano she dreamed of.

Bromwell concluded by recalling his manifesto and love of human-centered reports, inviting participants to consider the power of their devices beyond answering current emails. "Small stories can have a big impact and they can be done on a small device, and that's the one we all have in this room."

Inspirefest is the international event of Silicon Republic celebrating the point where science, technology and the arts collide. Ultra Early Bird Tickets for Inspirefest 2019 are now available .

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