Politicians Increase Pressure on Liam Miller's Tribute Game


Government of 30 million euros for the reform of Páirc Uí Chaoimh came up with expectations of access, say the ministers

The GAA is under renewed political pressure to host the match of Liam Miller's tribute to Páirc Uí Chaoimh, after the Taoiseach and the Ministers

The sold-out match between former teammates Manchester United, Celtic and Ireland's late Mr. Miller should be held in September in Turners Cross .

However, the GAA is considering a proposal by the organizers of the tribute to welcome the occasion to Páirc Uí Chaoimh after a meeting at Croke Park on Tuesday.

This meeting comes after the GAA declared that it was the rule to accommodate the device, the proceeds of which went to Mr. Miller's widow, to three children, and to Marymount. Hospice.

However, Monday, the Irish examiner revealed behind the scenes, politicians and the Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Sports intervened and warned the GAA that its refusal to host the match could violating the terms of the € 30 million financing granted for the redevelopment of Páirc Uí Chaoimh

. The GAA continued yesterday to review the proposals heard at the Croke Park meeting. A number of members again called Páirc Uí Chaoimh to organize the match.

Speaking during a trip related to Brexit in Italy, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar reiterated his view on the need to resolve the dispute

. According to Mr Varadkar, the GAA must remember that Páirc Uí Chaoimh was built with 30 million euros of funds from taxpayers "who practice all forms of sport and none".

] "I know that Sports Minister Brendan Griffin has been engaged on this issue. I have not talked to him about this for about two days, so I do not want to say anything about it that is out of date, so I would prefer not to comment on it.

"I would like to emphasize I think it is important, because Páirc Uí Chaoimh is a wonderful institution, but it is there with the help of 30 million euros from the" I ". taxpayers' money, and these are taxpayers who practice all forms of sport and none. "

Speaking at the launch of the government's national sport policy, Mr. Griffin said the controversy" n & rsquo; Was not the best time of the GAA. "

He and his senior minister Shane Ross warned that future funding for any stadium, including for the GAA, would be threatened unless & ### 39. They are not made available to others.

But Mr. Griffin called Páirc Uí Chaoimh to He was made available to pay tribute to the star of football, which he described as a "great Cork sportsman, not just a soccer man, but also a man who played GAA. "

yes, this Is not the best time of the GAA. Public opinion is firmly in a sense. It has not been a good week for them.

"My personal view is that I would like it to happen at Páirc Uí Chaoimh." Mr. Griffin made it clear that the 30 million euros granted by the state to Páirc Uí Chaoimh aimed to enable him to participate in community events such as:

"It was certainly the spirit of the agreement with Páirc Uí Chaoimh also. Many people think that by not hosting this game, they are against the spirit of the grant.

Minister Shane Ross addresses Liam Miller, a controversy over charity matches and the sale of media tickets in Dublin #iestaff [19659020] pic.twitter.com/KS0YpdhaHz [19659019] – McConnellDaniel (@McConnellDaniel) July 25, 2018

M. Ross said that he welcomed the fact that the discussions had started and that he hoped that an agreement could be found.

"I think it's very important that when large infrastructure funds are granted, those who receive the money make commitments.the community will have access to the stadium, where the funds from the state are given.This is something that we think we must insist. "

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