Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were "very happy together" at a secret and romantic dinner in Dublin


There is usually no time for dinner in royal schedules, but the romantic Prince Harry found some free time on Wednesday to look after his new wife in one of the Dublin's best known restaurants. Harry asked his badistants to reserve a table for two at the Delahunt fashion restaurant, where the couple enjoyed a two-course meal washed down with a half-pint of Guinness and a strong coffee Irish. They headed to the restaurant after spending the morning visiting Croke Park and Trinity College, where mbadive crowds were there to greet them. The lunch was then a moment of peace and calm; the place was closed to the public so that members of the royal family could enjoy their meal in peace.

"The reservation was made some time ago, and they had pre-ordered their meals," says Grace Davis Vanity Fair. "They had the smoked salmon starter." Meghan had hake for his main course, Harry had lamb, they had planned to have dessert too, but they said they were too full at the end of their meal so they just had what we call our 3fe Dublin roasted coffee, they seemed to like it – it was empty plates all around, they even shared a half -pint of Guinness, and Harry had a Coca-Cola. "

Meghan is a gourmet who self-confesses and enjoys eating out. While a quick lunch on the run is usually on the agenda for the royal tours, the Prince wanted to make Meghan live an authentic Dublin experience, to mark the end of what was a very touristic successful and enjoyable.

The couple was joined by the British Ambbadador to Ireland Robin Barnett and their palace aides team, but ate alone on leather seats in the restaurant, which is hidden at the back of the restaurant near the kitchen.

"They were very warm and friendly and very happy together," Davis said. "It was their only stop on the tour, and they were chatting all the time over lunch, they were also very endearing, and both went into the kitchen to see our chef, Dermot Staunton. Harry said to him, "I hear that it's the best food in Ireland" and Dermot tells him so, but that it's biased. "

After the At lunch, the couple went to the Famine Memorial and Museum epic stories of the 10 million emigrants from the country.They also visited a co-working space for tech start-ups.

There was A last walkabout before they leave for England in time for the World Cup match against Croatia. It seemed like football – and babies – were in the couple's mind. When they met the Adam-Stewart family of Sandymount in Dublin, who waved an English flag, Harry told Mom Elaine that five children were too numerous. "I told Harry that my husband had red hair, and he gave me five kids, and asked him," When are you and Meghan going to go? " "" Adam-Stewart said after. "Harry laughs and says that five times is too much."

Meanwhile, Meghan seemed thrilled to have had the chance to return to Dublin, and told the benefactors: "It was amazing and so, so special here."

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