Pumas and Ireland are in ‘different moments’


Argentina may well have something in store for Ireland when the sides meet in Dublin, according to Felipe Contepomi.

The sides clash in the second weekend of the autumn internationals, their first meeting since Ireland 28-19 victory in Dublin last November.  

The Pumas have just come off the back of their best showing in the Rugby Championship since joining the southern hemisphere competition in 2012 – two wins from six games, at home to South Africa and away to Australia.

They put it up to New Zealand in Nelson and blew a 31-7 lead against Australia in their last game.

Asked if the Wallabies result undid a lot of the good work done by coach Mario Ledesma in the season, Contepomi said: “It depends how they react to that and we haven’t seen the reaction yet because Ireland is the next game.

“If they take it as a learning experience they will be in a better position, if they take it as a doubting experience or if it haunts them if they get in that situation [again] it’s not a desirable experience.”

While increasing competitiveness in the Rugby Championship is an important barometer, Contepomi argues that the arrival of Jaguares in Super Rugby in the past three years has elevated Argentinian rugby to a better place. 

“It’s not just coming off the Rugby Championship. Argentina is picking up all the last two or three years, starting professionalism back home in terms of Jaguares and then the Rugby Championship.

“The guys are starting to get used to playing this long season at high intensity with all the travelling.

“Definitely they are in a better position than where they were three years ago.”

Ireland beat a tired-looking Argentina last November and Leinster backs coach Contepomi  feels that the sides are at different stages of maturity.

“The [November games] are friendly but they are not that friendly. Every team has their own agenda.

“Maybe the [aim for] progression [for Argentina] is to get the best way you can to the World Cup.

“You can see that Argentina and Ireland are in different moments. Ireland is a more mature team – the second best in the world by rankings and in reality.

“Argentina are having some good results and some bad ones, it’s a team in development and aiming for the World Cup.”

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