Roseanne Barr joins the bad-faith attack of the Right Against James Gunn


The anti- James Gunn stacked found a new supporter unsurprisingly: Roseanne Barr. ABC Star Licensed tweeted on Tuesday "I'm disgusted to read all the support for James Gunn's pedophile jokes – as the same people have me back for a joke that They did not even understand. " It was a brief but loaded message – and perfectly aligned with the campaign to have Gunn return Marvel Studios in the first place.

Disney chased Gunn, who made the two films Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Studios, Friday, after the right-wing media figures Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich features old tweets that the director published between 2009 and 2012 – most of which were nasty jokes about rape pedophilia. This week, Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon was also forced to apologize for an offensive video that he made in 2009, after being the target trolls of the far right. (Adult Swim is, until now, stuck by Harmon, and although Disney was able to quickly shoot Gunn, the Guardians are not so keen to distance themselves from their leader.) [19659004] Although the jokes Barr's comparison with Gunn is, at best, a false equivalence. As noted by Mark Harris Mark Harris in an article published on Monday, the differences between Gunn and Barr are many – starting with the fact that Gunn's jokes were several years old, but Barr's tweet was blazing new. And as Harris pointed out, the rage over Gunn's revolting jokes did not seem to be a sincere offense, but an armed anger: "The outrage with which Cernovich went after Gunn is a calculated posture, a way of saying: "If you can have someone"

Barr's tweet about Valerie Jarrett was also more than a vague racist joke: it was about a targeted attack against a particular person. marginalized community, centered on race. And while Barr claimed that his critics "did not even understand" his joke, it seems that Barr did not understand it either. The former actress Roseanne has excused and defended the tweet in various ways since the unleashing and its rapid suppression. First of all, she blamed Ambien: "It was 2 am and I was at the emission of a tweet from Ambien – it was also the day of remembrance – I went 2 far and I do not want to defend it – it was flagrant [.] Independent. I made a mistake that I regret not having. . . Do not defend him please. ty, "she said. Elsewhere, Barr claimed that his reference Planet of the Apes was an allusion to "The Anti-Semitism of the Iran Deal". "She cried and said that she did not want her tweet to be defended, and she shouted to come to her own defense with an entirely different explanation:" I thought the bitch was white! "

Gunn, on the other hand, has always been consistent in his response to his bad tweets – even before they appear last week – and baderted that he He repeated this message on Friday, both on Twitter and in a public statement, in which he wrote in part: "My words from almost a decade ago were, at at the time, totally doomed to failure and provocation.I have regretted them for many years, not just because they were stupid, not at all funny, totally insensitive, and certainly not provocative as I had hoped, but also because they do not reflect the person that I am or sometimes.No matter the time that has pbaded, I understand and accept the Business Decisions Taken Today … As Harris points out, Gunn's dismissal has disturbing implications and could predict a future in which calculated projections of outrage would serve as a stick against perceived political opponents. . As a 4chan user wrote about Harmon: "If they take scalps for someone who makes racist jokes, we take scalps to make jokes about pedophilia." And lo and behold! : an eye for an eye, a scalp for a scalp or, in this case, an apple for an orange.

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