Roseanne Barr looks at James Gunn's shot: "What's going on around"


Roseanne Barr talks about The recent firing of the Guardians of the Galaxy James Gunn.

On Monday, the 65-year-old comedian denounced Gunn's supporters after the filmmaker's controversial tweets resurfaced. the conservative experts and the Web site Daily Caller and he was then fired by Disney to direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ., The third installment of the successful Marvel franchise with Chris Pratt. Nearly a decade, tweets include jokes about pedophilia and rape.

In a tweet, Barr pointed out what she believes is a double standard. Barr's successful sitcom, Roseanne was canceled in May after she published a racist tweet against former Barack Obama White House advisor , Valerie Jarrett

"I am disgusted to read all the support of James Gunn's. She wrote to me:

I am disgusted to read all the support for James Gunn's pedophile jokes, as the same people have supported me for putting me on the blacklist. for a joke, they did not even understand.

– Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 24, 2018

In a podcast with his good friend, Rabbi Schmuley, who was also posted Monday, Barr said Gunn was one of the celebrities supporting the ABC decision to fire her at that time.

"He was one of the people who said that ABC was right to fire me on my racist tweet," she commented. "He was one of them, but then he came back, because what is going around comes around."

Barr kept repeating on the podcast that she was not "forgiven" for her racist tweet – which reads "Muslim brotherhood and the planet of apes had a baby = vj", Referring to Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran – because she's openly supported President Donald Trump.

"It was from the beginning," Barr said of the opposition that she faced Hollywood. "It was very difficult to fight and be the only one, you know, the badumptions that they make, and I had to fight tons of them every day just to present a balanced view and that harbaded me in every way. "

"I predicted the result that they would take the only television show showing an enemy of Trump and an enemy of Hillary making peace and continuing their lives," she continued. "I predicted it from the beginning that they would remove it, and they would also remove it because the issue of race was involved, and it was a race to within the family – a mixed family – and they did not like "

Meanwhile, amid the fallout from Gunn's shooting, the director seems to have the support of his cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, including Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista Gunn tackled offensive tweets last week

"Many people who have followed my career know when I started, I considered myself a provocateur, making movies and telling outrageous and taboo jokes, "he tweeted." As I have often said publicly, as I did as a person, my Work and my humor are not better, but I am very, very different from what I was a few years ago; , i try to root my work in love and connection and less in anger, my days say something just because it's shocking and that i'm trying to & # 39; To have a reaction. "

" I made a lot of offensive jokes. "More," he continued. "I do not blame my past for that, but I enjoy myself more and I feel like a human being and a fuller creator today, I love you all."

Watch the video below to learn more about Gunn's shots. ] RELATED CONTENT:

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