Roseanne Barr tells Hannity Racist of Fox Tweet was a big misunderstanding: NPR


Roseanne Barr talks with Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity during an interview during a recording of her show on Thursday in New York. It was the first time she had appeared on television since she had been fired from ABC. The network canceled his successful restart of Roseanne in May following the racist tweet of the star involving former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

Julie Jacobson / AP

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Julie Jacobson / AP

Roseanne Barr talks with Sean Hannity, host of the Fox News talk show, while he was interviewed at a recording of his show Thursday in New York. It was the first time she had appeared on television since she had been fired from ABC. The network canceled his successful restart of Roseanne in May following the racist tweet of the star involving former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

Julie Jacobson / AP

Roseanne Barr has just given a masterclbad on how not to apologize for a mbadive public extinction.

Appearing on Fox News show Sean Hannity on Thursday, Barr claimed backlash on the widely condemned racist tweet that led to ABC canceling the show was a huge misunderstanding.

The tweet involved top Obama advisor Valérie Jarrett was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and a monkey. Barr's defense? She did not know that Jarrett – who was born in Iran to American parents – was an African-American woman.

"You could have flipped me with a quill when they said that she was African-American," Barr told Hannity of the moment when ABC leaders asked him to d & # 39; explain the display. "I thought she was from the Middle East."

Which implies that she thought that it was acceptable to compare a person from a Middle Eastern country to the offspring of a monkey – another serious stereotype.

the other time she called a black Obama official a monkey: a 2013 tweet where she said that former national security advisor Susan Rice was a man with bads of a monkey.

Barr insisted that Jarrett's tweet was "political" and was connected to Barr's advocacy for Israel. But her clumsy explanations did not really address why she used such a loaded language. The comic also called for a recent video that she released on YouTube, saying Jarrett, "I thought the b **** was white," was a joke.

"I made a mistake," said Barr of the original tweet, after a bit of Hannity's spur. "And I lost everything."

Hannity devoted his entire show from one hour on Thursday to his conversation with Barr. It was the first television interview of the comic superstar, after ABC dropped one of the best-rated series of the last television season a few hours after his posting in May.

But, despite an hour to argue his point of view, Barr stuck with a long-term subject, across various topics and defenses. In one part of the interview, the cartoon insisted that she did not want to hurt anyone or cause anybody pain.

She's mocked Jarrett's haircut after delivering a discouraging no-excuse that seemed to mainly blame Jarrett "I'm so sorry that you thought I was racist and you thought that my tweet was racist, because it was not, "says Barr, after Hannity asked her what she could do. tell Jarrett if they were talking on the phone or if she was watching her show. Barr looked into the camera and said, "I'm sorry you feel hurt and hurt. I did not mean that and for that I apologize."

Jarrett appeared on the day talk show The View ] Wednesday and said that she was not planning to watch Barr's interview.

There was a question that Barr would not answer: if she was paid by ABC when she agreed to give up her sitcom wake up after cancellation. The Conners who debuts this fall

Barr said that she struggled with mental health issues, adding that she had multiple personalities that were incorporated there A dozen years ago

"We could turn this into a very good time for learning," said Barr to Hannity

but looking at a sitcom star, she said: could not really explain the racist explosion that ruined his career. have seen everything they need to know.

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