Samantha Markle begs Meghan to visit their father and admits to "cashing" royalty


Meghan Markle's half-sister asked the Duchess of Susbad to contact her father to report her health fears.

Samantha Markle also admitted to "cashing" the royal family by refusing to deny the rumors. appeared on Celebrity Big Brother.

Samantha, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, called Meghan to visit Thomas, 74, because "the elevator is short". and that he was struggling after suffering a heart attack. earlier this year.

Speaking of Good Morning Britain, she said, "I think that he really wants to kiss her, and to have some distance on the distance, and the misperception and really let her know that it's a good thing. he likes it.

I think he deserves it in return. He's an incredible man, he's been there all his life and he's done it. she is what she is.

"I know that she loves him too, but there are so many barriers out there. I think it's really important to both of them meet, for everyone, for our family, for the world.

"I think it's really important to stop building walls and start building new buildings. I know he wants it. "

She said her father" worries "about Meghan because of lack of communication and that the family was forced to speak publicly because" private channels have been exhausted.

: "The family behaved in the same way as us because it does not did not hold out his hand. We were literally answering.

– She became busier, she found herself in a position because of the royal protocol, you can not be so open.

& # 39; There are other means of communication that she can use "All that Thomas wants, she says, is to know that Meghan is happy and well, and adds that he feels "isolated" because the media has created a "useless" flaw in the family.

"I hope they can fend for themselves," she said. she's going to reach out to him, that just seems like the right thing to do. "

And added," I felt like something was going to happen to him, and he's dead, I do not think that's right. " 39; none of us could live with the fact that he died unfortunate and there was no closure.

"I believe in his heart that". she would like it too. "

She pleaded with Meghan to get in touch with Thomas because" life is short "(Photo: TV)

The 53-year-old actress also castigated critics who said she was banking on her sister's position saying, "I've worked in the media most of my life and in broadcasting." So, because my sister is suddenly Royale is not a reason for me to stop doing all that.

"Let's face it, we all have to survive, money makes the world go round, so if you want to call it cashing,

" But no one in the media would refuse a paycheck to talk Royals and, as a family, we are not subject to the royal protocol. "

" The media make billions of dollars of social problems and talk about the royal family, I do not see how we are different. We have the right to share this about our life experiences. "

She added," We have the right to share that. "It's not offensive, it's not For someone to say, "Oh, you should not take money, you should lower your salary," tell your boss that you do not want a salary to interview me. because it's cash. "

One more question about Celebrity Big Brother, she said," Well, I'll tell you, but then I'll have to I do not want to end up in locks and stocks quite frankly. It would not become.

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