Sarah Palin accuses Sacha Baron Cohen of "Duping" Her for Showtime Series – Variety


Add Sarah Palin to the list of people offended by humorist humorist Sacha Baron Cohen

The former vice presidential candidate said in a Facebook post that She and her daughter were fooled to participate in an interview for Cohen's Showtime series "Who's America?" She described her humor as "evil, exploitative" and "sick."

According to Palin's message, she was contacted by a speakers' bureau for a "legitimate opportunity" She added that once she arrived, she was greeted by someone who was "not happy". one that she badumes to be Cohen, "heavily disguised … as a disabled American veteran, fake wheelchair and all."

"I sat through a long" interview "full of disrespect and sarcasm of Hollywoodism – but eventually got enough and literally, physically removed my microphone and came out," Palin wrote. . "The disrespect of our US military and the American middle clbad by Cohen's foreign comments under cover of interview questions was perverse … False politicians and innocent public figures all you want, if that you sleep at night, fight and serve our country, really sick. "

She challenged CBS and Showtime to donate the" proceeds "of the show to" a charity group that truly respects and supports US veterinarians " – although what she means by the product is not clear, like Showtime, a premium Ms. Palin also claimed that the production company had deliberately dropped her daughter and daughter at the wrong airport in Washington DC, this which prevented the two men from returning to Alaska.