Searching & # 39; Idiot & # 39; on Google Images and photos of Donald Trump pop up


US President Donald Trump leads the search for the word "silly" on Google's search for images.

When you type the word in Google's image search, Trump's images are the first to appear. This is partially attributed to the song Green Day – American Idiot – which was used by protesters during his trip to London

It's also thanks to an online campaign that manipulates Google's algorithm to make sure that Trump's image is strongly related to the word. . On Reddit, people posted a post that contained Trump's picture with the word silly.

According to a report in The Guardian Google declined to intervene in the matter and that did not go well with the Trump supporters

Google said that He does not "play God" with his grading algorithms and "the subtleties of the language" can sometimes cause unforeseeable anomalies. He also claimed that he frequently tried to rework his algorithms, aimed at making them more useful instead of being culturally sensitive.

Google explained that Reddit has a major role to play in this area. The original publishers would pin a message to the top of a Subreddit and encourage others to increase it. This rise of upvotes would push the message to the first page of Reddit, which already refers to itself as "The First Page of the Internet," causing it to feature on the top line of Google Images.

The company reiterated that in 2009, photos of the former Lady Michelle Obama with features resembling monkeys on Google Images. Instead of removing it, the company issued an awareness ad highlighting how this could have happened. In another incident, just before the US elections, the word "rapist" brought up at least five out of ten picture results of former President Bill Clinton.

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