Season 5 Flash, episode 3 recap, review: The Death of Vibe


Be careful, Cisco Ramon, because "The Death of Vibe" seems to be bad news for you.

Now that's the big bad guy this season of The flash makes one feel his presence, there should not be a week without it being at the heart of the action. The problem with Team Flash is that nobody knows much about Cicada.

Except that Nora West-Allen might know something, or she really looks like that last week.

Season 5 Flash, episode 3 recap: "The death of Vibe"

Let's see the Flash Museum in 2032. Nora says that part of the museum has always scared her, and that it was of course the Cicada. At present, she has bad news: Flash has never caught it. Supergirl, the Legends or the League either. Hey, what league? Insert the emoji thinking face here. Even worse, he is precocious, as in Cicada, he appeared too early, historically. Nora says that she has a plan, surprising Iris.

Elongated Man foils a flight with a guy brandishing a high-tech solar-powered gun. Meanwhile, Nora's plan is to use a Harrison Wells to catch the cicada – but which one? They first try the German Wells from the Council of Harrisons, and while Cisco does not like this idea, it's both nice and helpful, suggesting another well. Harrison "Sherlock" Wells at your service.

While sharpening his flash dagger, Cicada looks enormously at the images of Vibe …

Sherlock, as he is actually spelled, seems to be the real deal, and in a rather amusing sequence, he is showing a quick and very attentive study, revealing details that we did not even know (Iris has a tattoo that 39, she hid from an old lover?). It does not work for free, though, and although the Flash team agrees to pay its fees, Sherloque and Ralph do not really get along. Ralph is going to help Caitlin confront his mother, who quickly rejects his daughter when asked to talk about his father. Nevertheless, Ralph is confident, she is lying.

Detective Wells immediately discovered something important, revealing that Cicada is a man named David Hersch. Or is it: although the house where Flash and XS are being trapped, forcing dad to save his daughter, they catch the guy who flees a little too easily. And it certainly looks like Cicada tracking down Joe West. Oh dear.

See, Barry knows what's going on. He is not sure that Hersch is the good guy, despite the fact that he is in the comic strip. We see that he's right soon enough when Cicada confronts Joe in search of Vibe, and when Joe does not call the hero, Cicada knocks him out, or at least, it seems.

Meanwhile, in the other plot of the show, Caitlin and Ralph return and enter his mother's office at night. They find what appears to be a suicide note, which only deepens the mystery surrounding his father.

There is another twist to come too. Sherloque explains that the reason he was so sure that Cicada was Hersch is that he has already captured it on 37 other lands and it was always Hersch each time. So, what's different on Earth-1? Maybe Nora plays with the timeline, says Iris. Without getting discouraged, Nora wants to throw Earth-1 Hersch into the pipeline until he speaks, and when Barry says absolutely nothing, she's going away in all haste. You are down to earth, girl!

The Cicada is no longer threatened by Joe, who categorically refuses to be the bait to attract Vibe. Then the villain begins to shoot him with the red lightning of his dagger. As we do.

Because Barry has not had anything to do yet, he now blames Nora for Hersch and Cicada. Iris explains that Nora carries a lot of guilt and that she has almost more to bear when it seems that Sherloque vaporized in the Pipeline (in fact, he is well and simulated his death to avoid repaying Team Flash). Everyone is out so that Barry and Nora can participate in this week's Big Talk ™, which essentially involves asking him to think before moving on to the act.

Ralph apologizes to Caitlin for pushing her to discover her father's suicide note, but she has no reason to regret it because he helped her close.

The situation at West is complicated when Cécile wakes up and finds her husband in a delicate situation. Although she can hear Joe's thoughts telling her not to call for help because that's what the Cicada wants, she panics when the bad guy hears the baby crying and presses the panic button on his phone. Vibe gets there first, but Cicada catches him by his crack a fraction of a second before the arrival of Flash.

Although Sherlock is helpful in finding the forest where Vibe was transported, it is not fast enough to prevent him from feeling Cicada's dagger. Flash shows up and immediately lost his speed, which earned him to be beaten by Cicada. But after thinking for a second, XS had an idea involving one of the Pipeline's powerful stuff. This will help him get rid of the villain, but when she throws him to Vibe for use himself, the villain will hit him and an explosion will seem to vaporize Cisco. The Cicada shows crazy jumps jumping a crazy distance, apparently bleeding, and we quickly learn that Vibe is fine. Nora really saved the day, in the end. Huzzah!

As Team Flash gets together, we discover that Wells stays around. In addition, Barry and Iris invite Nora to settle with them, which she accepts with a little reluctance.

However, there remains a mystery to be solved, and this concerns the notes left by the father of Caitlin. Although these notes look like gibberish, they actually contain a hidden code, which says "CAITLIN COME FIND ME". And who is this guy who looks at Caitlin on many screens? MONITOR, C & YOU IS?

Joe has his own moment of Eureka, telling Cecile that he believes that Cicada is a father. It's about money, and even if a doctor tells him he has to stop, he says he can not "until he's done." He then kisses a girl in a coma on the forehead.

Last scene: Sherloque wants to talk to Nora, asking her if she made the decision to hit the satellite with her father alone. He laughs at it, but his expression when she walks away suggests that he has touched a nerve, and his serious look reinforces this idea. Intriguing.

Following: Flash season 5, episode 2 summary: Blocked

Last thoughts

Listen, nobody really thought that Cisco was a great player considering the title of the episode, but the writers did a good job, at least making it look possible. The mystery of the cicada deepened and we got our first confirmation that the presence of Nora in the present (heh) had consequences that only make sense. Sherloque Wells is also a fun addition to the mix, or it could be as long as it will have more layers to peel.

Nevertheless, the most significant events of this episode are by far the shady figure watching Caitlin and the piece at the end. They could very well be connected, and they could also be related to this year's crossover, which would be an exciting prospect.

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