Shane Enright reveals how his mother faced an abusive "fan" of Kerry after Mayo's defeat in 2017


  Shane Enright. Photo: Sportsfile "title =" Shane Enright. Photo: Sportsfile "width =" 620 "height =" 482 "rel =" nofollow
Shane Enright. Photo: Sportsfile

  Colm Keys

  • Shane Enright reveals how his mother faced an abusive Kerry 'fan' after the Mayo 2017 defeat

    Comments from legend Kerry and current senior coach Mike Sheehy earlier this year on the reaction of the county support elements following their defeat in the semifinal Semifinal of Ireland in Mayo caused a strong reaction. gaelic-football / shane-enright-reveals-how-his-mum-was-confronted-by-an-abusive-kerry-fan-after -2017-mayo-defeat-37129979.html

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The comments of the legend Kerry and current head coach Mike Sheehy earlier this year about the reaction of the county support elements In the wake of their semifinal semi-final against Ireland, Mayo caused a strong reaction.

Sheehy had criticized the low numbers that had traveled from Kerry to the game compared to Mayo who, according to Sheehy, had as far to travel in some cases.

But there was another strand to the eight …

The aftermath of a difficult and incriminating winter with Sheehy's acknowledging criticism was "ferocious".

"You would stay off the bars – oh you it was a cat thing," remembers Sheehy


There is no There is no county harder to be after a defeat than Kerry.They have their standards and even in the midst of a bridging project that saw five players appear in a senior team during a league match Croke Park for the first time, the team and the management will have so much latitude Sunday's defeat brings it closer to the tipping point

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Shane Enright could probably identify with Sheehy's feeling, or perhaps, more accurately, her mother Stella.

At the launch of the All-Ireland Championship of the week last on the Aran Islands, Before the weekend defeat, Enright was Kerry's representative and remembered his mother e) Races last September a few weeks after the loss of Mayo.

Enright had been under pressure in both games against Andy Moran creeping, conceding 1-5 then 1-1, before being drafted in the rebroadcast.

"I think it was just something that went beyond the purpose of the second day that Andy Moran had," he remembers the remark made.

"It's a bit exaggerated," he said. "I would not mind telling you that, but when you get stuff like that, it's the nature of the beast, it comes with that." 19659005 "" She was not too upset now, "he continued, and she took it in his stride, which was obviously not a good thing.

" C & # 39; was difficult, I did not play in any of Mayo's games, "he conceded

" I scored Andy (Moran) and he continued. He was named Player of the Year, he was playing very well at the time.

"I've tried to keep my head down and stay out of the way, but in Kerry there will always be flaks if you do not play well and they're waiting for All-Irelands every year. "

Enright may have paid a price for the face-to-face with Moran but when Kerry took over the league In January he was still back and held his place for the next four games until that that he is suffering from a hamstring injury.

Having survived, he ruptured the ligaments of the ankle during the preparation of the Munster Championship.

Sunday will probably be too early for him, even with Kerry stretched for defenders like Killian Young is suspended and Jason Foley and Tadhg Morley, who missed last weekend, are struggling with injury.

He will still be able to share his Conor McManus experience earlier this year when Kerry lost to Monaghan in a wet and dull Inniskeen. As not so different from the Galway game, Kerry simply did not have the know-how for strong defensive structure this afternoon. 9659005] Narrating

"He is an incredible football kicker," said McManus' Tarbert. "You've seen this point that he recently gave on the sideline … Of the other players, you would not tell them to shoot from there, but even if he has the Ball 45 yards from the goals, you must be as tight as he is 20 yards from the goal because he will hit points from anywhere.

"This is not easy if he gets a yard. All you can do is put him as much pressure as possible.

Monaghan had a good season against Kerry in recent seasons, winning three of four, including the most recent meeting of Inniskeen. in this sequence came in Clones in 2016. Their other defeats have been in Killarney (2017) and Tralee (2015).

Enright works with Bank of Ireland where David Clifford, scorer of 1-5 last Sunday, was hired for the summer and the 30-year-old defender sees a young man with a "good head on shoulders" every day.

"We would be jumping up every day – having some chalk, I guess when you hang out with them, it makes you feel young, too," he says.

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