Dan Crenshaw had the last word when NBC Saturday Night Live invited Navy SEAL, now a member of the elected Congress, to fight back against the cast member, Pete Davidson.
During an update segment of the weekend of November 4th SNLDavidson presented his "first impressions" on several candidates who ran in mid-term elections.
Referring to a photo of Crenshaw, who was blindfolded, he said: "You may be surprised to hear that he is a congressional candidate in Texas and not a hitman in a bad movie . " adding, "I'm sorry, I know that he lost an eye in the war, or whatever. It does not matter. "
Earlier this week, Crenshaw rejected the claim, saying, "SEALs are not offended. It's just not what we do. That does not mean it was not offensive, but stop demanding excuses and removal of people. Just ask … that the comedy is really funny, but let's be good people. "
SNLWeekend Update nonetheless offered him a forum to return to Davidson, as seen below. Has he given better than what he has?
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