Soul search helped Michael Fitzsimons and Dublin to bounce back from the 2014 collapse against Donegal


MICHAEL FITZSIMONS admits that Donegal's defeat in Dublin in 2014 led to a soul-searching winter in the capital.

Donegal's surprise in the semifinal against the Dubs was a tactical masterclbad by Jim McGuinness. Gavin's men

  Ryan McHugh buried Dublin in 2014


Ryan McHugh buried Dublin in 2014

Subsequently, Gavin admitted that they had to review how to oppose the systems counterattack

remains the last time Dublin lost a match in the championship.

Fitzsimons, Sky Blue supporter, said: "There was a lot of introspection."

"People had to figure out where they were wrong, as the team, at what stage we could have tackled and what we needed to do next year, the year 2015 was a good year

  Michael Fitzsimons at the launch of the All-Ireland Championship Series

Sportsfile [19659005] Michael Fi tzsimons at the launch of the All-Ireland Championship Series

"We have corrected the flaws of our game and we got the result at the end. But it was a difficult end for the summer.

"We learned a lot, and I remember Cork was the same in 2010.

" We learned a lot too.

"Football has changed a bit since 2014. And we've probably changed a little since.

" We would always be wary of that kind of thing, the impact of the long expulsions, of letting the place in certain areas.

"At every game, you try to learn after every win and every loss." easier to learn losses. But you are definitely learning and that came out when you badyze some games. "

Counties find themselves in the opening round of the Super Eights on Saturday.

They have played fascinating matches in recent years, including 0-8 to 0-6 win for Dublin in the All-Ireland 2011 semifinal when Donegal played with essentially one striker – Colm McFadden

Fitzsimons said, "Yes, this game was pretty surreal. It was unique. We had heard murmurs that they were going to be very defensive.

"They were not so defensive in their first games. But they became ultra-defensive against us.

"I was up against McFadden. It was a bit unknown at the time. But fair play for them. It was unique.

"They got on with something and it was really close."

The preparations for the Croke Park showdown were eclipsed by the debate over the fact that Dublin would receive two of his three Super Eight at GAA HQ

All other teams play a game at Croker, one at home and another

Donegal met with GAA leaders last week to highlight their dissatisfaction in view of the situation, considering that the rules of the game are not equitable. But Fitzsimons and the Dublin players remain out of the debate.

He added, "I would not pay much attention to it, and I do not tend to try to badyze things from Donegal's point of view." [19659002] "I'm just going to play games and we'll leave all that aside."

"It may sound ignorant but it's out of our control.

"As a player, you find out where the game is, then you play and play, and that's all I can do.

" I have no influence on that . And I know it's a sensitive subject, so I do not want to talk about it …

  Michael Fitzsimons is waiting for a large crowd of Dublin to travel to Omagh for the Shock of Tyrone


Michael Fitzsimons is waiting for a big Dublin crowd to go to Omagh for the shock of Tyrone

"But from my point of view, I do not pay attention. 39 is the corner of Donegal to fight, as Kildare did. "

Dublin will play a game away – a trip to Healy Park in Omagh the following weekend. It then continues for days in Kilkenny in 2016 and O 'Moore Park in 2017 and 2018.

Fitzsimons said, "Nowlan Park was awesome a few years ago."

"It was a once in a lifetime time to play in Nowlan Park because Dublin does not really have the opportunity to play in Nowlan Park unless you are playing throwing. [19659002"It'sjustagreatstadiumIt'sgreattoplaysomewherewe'veseenonTV-andthesamethingwithOmagh

"Playing Omagh is always a great opportunity." 19659002 "Leaving there in the league, these Nordic stadiums and Nordic teams"

"I can only imagine that it will be doubled or tripled in the summer." [19659002] Fitzsimons think the days of absence help the liaison teams, as happened during their recent trips to Portlaoise.

The Return of the All-Star: "I believe the last time In Laois, we found an Eoghan O Gara song that we all sang on our way home.

"They were singing there when he came, stuff like that." Cuala organized a bus that was coming down when we were playing at Wicklow in Portlaoise, but the others saw it – they broke down on the way, then "

Fitzsimons hopes the Dublin defense will not collapse against Donegal and their cause was probably made a little easier in the absence of Paddy McBrearty.

He said: "It's a pity for them, it's a high-level striker, such a threat everywhere, inside the 45 or the outside."

Fitzsimons scored a starting point on the Dublin team over the past two years, thanks to a man-made performance of the match in the final victory over Allo in Ireland. 19659002] But there was a stage where he struggled to make his way to the side.

He recalled, "I guess I started the games in 2014. In 2015, I entered as a submarine. "But in 2016, I think I might not have presented myself as a submarine against Donegal, and then against Kerry in the semifinals, I probably only played five minutes.

" So my contribution was probably a little less.

"I would have been scared in 2017 if I could recover a place in the starting team if I had not played in the rebroadcast.

" Do not start two years immediately is difficult. But I have always trusted in my abilities.

"I am in a position where I have held both positions. I've struggled to make signs and have started great games.

Ron Gone

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"So I think that if I did not start playing, I would try to continue if I felt that I was contributing positively.

"If I was negative or if I removed from the team, I would definitely leave. 19659002] MICHAEL FITZSI MONS was speaking at the launch of the Irish Senior Football Championship series.

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