Spider-Verse Cast and Crew Talk Relation Peter & Miles


  Comic-Con: Spider-Verse The Speech of Peter & Miles

Spider-Verse Speech and Crew Peter & The Relationship Miles

On Friday at the San Diego International Cartoon Convention, Sony introduced the latest look at its ambitious and global version of the Spider-Man myth – Spider-Man: Toward the Spider-Man Verse The computer animation film, in the spirit of Chris Lord and Phil Miller, introduced several ideas never seen in a Spider-Man movie: Miles Morales (Moore Moore) and a Peter Parker (Jake Johnson), older and tired of the world, navigates in a multiverse of Spider-people and Spider-Villains. Johnson, Moore and the three filmmakers came to SDCC to show the pictures and talk to ComingSoon about how the film was developing.

How's it going?

Persichetti : This is good, we are now cracking only seven days a week. I'm just trying to finish.

Ramsey : I do not know what percentage it is animated

Persichetti : I think we crossed the line, whatever it is, 55% or something like that. We have a very large animation team now because the animation is quite hard, takes so much time that the amount of animation produced by each animator is much less than usual now we have as one hundred and forty two animators right now for one of these movies, that is a lot.

The vast majority of people familiar with Spider-Man know him as a white Spider-Man, making the transition to an Afro-Latino Spider-Man. How did you approach that?

Persichetti : We adapt the history of Bendis, so in that sense it was a good place to start. Miles is an amazing character, he has a lot of people around him who have influenced his life and it was kind of the catalyst for the story we were telling. This is the first time we see the Spider-Man in an original story where we have both parents and I mean it's exactly the opposite of Peter in any way where we have too many mentors and we have been part of the process. must cross to become Spider-Man. He must understand how to take all those voices and then find his own voice inside of it.

Moore : I feel blessed and I am chosen. There are a lot of black people, a lot of Latino people. I'm sitting in front of you so you know that I've taken a private jet, two private jets in the last 6 months … I've taken two private jets in the last six months – it has changed life, that's what I mean. New experiences I have the desire to inspire young people and others, to be a positive role model. I think that's a good way to start. (Pointing to Johnson). (19659005) Johnson : I think it's nice, I think it's … to answer your question before, Moore answers all our questions. It's different cultures, but even as a white guy, I'm really happy that these movies are happening. I was really happy Wonder Woman and we had a female superhero. I think all the different types of people who exercise power show it to young people, and I'm really excited that we're going to watch this movie. I think it's a positive film. I think for those original fans of Peter Parker Spider-Man, you'll get it. He's there.

I like Peter Parker a lot. For me, I really like reading these scenes and going there, but he is now 40 years old and he is tired now. But I also like playing a lot with Moore and see Miles and when we do it in the booth together, in the scenes, I can hear it and tell me that it's a cool new release. And then Gwen goes out and there is a Spider-Man woman. So I'm excited for people to see this movie and a whole new fan base to take a look at it this way and I think it's really exciting.

One of you had already done some animation or voiceover

Moore : This is my second technique but it's like my first real experience. The other was a day and it was a few hours and it was 30 minutes that for any show for Christmas you know it's a movie.

Can you talk about the process – you said you were in the booth sometimes which is not always the case on animation films. Were you able to bring some of yourself into the characters and change them while you were playing?

Johnson : This was unique. Most of the time, you will do for one movie at least that I did a party, or a TV show, you will do a few different sessions and they get everything they need or you say a line of 10 ways different. This we have been in the booth again and again; I think I put more than 70 hours in a kiosk to do scenes. Every scene in this movie, I have the impression of having recorded 25-30 different times and then we get to do it together sometimes, you are alone, then they will do a slight adjustment and you go there again and you take another swing on it. I know that Chris and Phil like to work in such a way that they always open things and that they always want to test things and try new things, so it has been a lot of collaboration. Although they have a really solid script, we improvised but we do not add to it because they really built that thing. But once you're in a scene, you know, if Moore and I do a scene together and it's happening and we're in visual contact and we're not reading the lines anymore, but we've done a lot of the scene and we know how it ends, they like when you are in your present, you act so it feels a lot of an organic.

The style of animation is smooth and very different, can you talk a little bit about how you came Persichetti : That was the goal. It was the reader. We will make another Spider-Man movie, why? Because it's Miles. Great. We want to do some animation but we do not want the animation to look like an animation from Pixar, Disney or DreamWorks, all those places we all have been part of. We do not want that so I want something that honors where Marvel and Spider-Man came from, your comics, and we watched that. We will not focus on this film, we will do it and it is like this offset printing, we will have no motion blur which, for CG, is like death. There is not a single motion blur in our movie and that alone is like "I'm sorry?" We spent more than a year trying to create an animation style that looks different and it is still CG. 19659005] What is the dynamism of Peter and Miles?

Johnson : Well, I will say first with Peter that Peter forgot why he likes to be Spider-Man and that he forgot what gift he is for having all that I think that he is at a point where he forgot what he lost when he stopped being Spider-Man and see a young man fall in love with the ability to get away from it. be Spider-Man and how awesome it is to have this special gift. I think Miles for Peter is the spark plug that will remind you how much you've had it.

Moore : I would say that Peter is .. I would say that he's like one of Miles's best friends at the end of what you know. He has friends, but …

Johnson : (laughing) Probably the same thing with Peter!

Moore : Yes

Johnson : They are very weird that way. [19659005] Moore : At first I was going to say like a father figure, but no. Obviously, you know that people connect and become friends for a whole bunch of different reasons Spider-Man is a great way to become very close.

Did you know Miles Morales before the movie?

Moore : Yes. I wrote that I'm Miles Morales when I'm Spider-Man in my diary 2 years ago when I was filming in the film Dope and it happened.

Persichetti : Another thing I think it's pretty interesting when Miles came out of the comics in 2011, he was the first of this wave of characters of different ethnicities to adopt hero identities clbadics, and since then, this idea has become fairly standardized. So, go out with the Miles Morales movie now, I think the part of the task was to say that it's not just that you plug in some one of a different background in the suit in the movie C & # 39; is how you really flesh out what is a different background is. So, there are a lot of details about Miles' life, where he grows up, what does his family life look like, what does the school look like, what does the neighborhood look like. One of the ideas is that New York and its different boroughs are really specific characters. What is Brooklyn now, what is it like now Queen

Moore : Personally you know that I worked on the show called The Get Down and I represented the Bronx. A New York accent is a New York accent so I wanted to (speak) as if I was coming from New York (stop accent) you know I wanted to get into that with Miles but there was like & # 39; Nah, Moore We think it's a bit more like if you were from New York, you'll get it. In the trailer, there is a moment when Miles is coming out of the building and he has the impression of being "BROOKLYN!" The people of that moment.

What are your relationships with Gwen and how does she complicate things?

Johnson : I do not think she's gotten much complicated with Peter I think Peter just sees her as Spider

Does he panic, in the seeing banging?

Johnson : I do not know if we can …

Moore : It may not be well.

Johnson : Oh, by the way, you're training me, as we're just talking about badtails here. Get out of here!

What will surprise us about Peter Parker?

Johnson : I do not think it's the Spider-Man to which you're totally used, I think it's more realistic spider man. It's what Spider-Man would look like – it was real and he was not doing his cool stuff with Spider-Man, which I find really amusing. I think it's the dirty corners of Spider-Man that rarely show up in superhero movies. They claim to love waking up late to make you an ordinary person. It does not make you an ordinary person, stop it (laughs). This shows Peter Parker as a real human being who happens to have this ability because he was bitten by a spider but he is a real person so I think this movie actually shows that the real person is aging and getting old on his own and mortality is real for everyone. It just happens to be Spider-Man

What is your favorite line of the movie?

Johnson : "Brooklyn!"

Spider-Man: In the spider-worm debut in theaters in December

  Spider-Man: in the spider-worm

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