Tennis coach Brad Stine is back in the limelight with Kevin Anderson


WIMBLEDON, England – It's been 25 years since Brad Stine led a Wimbledon finalist. He was part of Jim Courier's team when Courier reached his last Grand Slam final in 1993, losing to All England Club against Pete Sampras.

But Stine, still handshake and thoughtful about the game, will be back in At the top of the list of players, Kevin Anderson will face Novak Djokovic in the first Wimbledon final of Anderson

Stine, a 59-year-old American who played and trained at Fresno State, and Anderson started working together. in December, after Anderson, a 32-year-old South African, surprisingly divided with Neville Godwin.

Only months after Anderson reached his first Grand Slam final at the US Open, losing to Rafael Nadal

. "I think Neville is a hell of a coach, but at the same time I could not be happier that it worked for me," said Stine while he was sitting in the players' area Friday night after having carried a tray of food. to Anderson, who had just beaten John Isner in 6 hours 36 minutes

This interview was edited for length and clarity.

Is it hard for Kevin to bounce back after defeating Roger Federer in over four hours and then playing for more than six hours?

This is one of the things we talked about instantly after the match with the Fed. It was recognizing that Kev had now been put in a position to potentially win the tournament and keep the course going and be ready. I felt like he was very calm after the match with Roger. He did not return to the locker room or recovery area, jumping up and down and very excited. He was very calm, and I think he was really wearing what I would call the mindset of a champion, even if Kev did not win a lot of titles or anything right now. But I think his presentation and mentality come out of this match: "I still have work to do," and he showed it today.

It's focused on being very demonstrative for a good part of the past year. But he was much more autonomous in this Wimbledon. I imagine that it helped keep his energy during these marathons.

Kev is a very badytical guy, so on the ground I guess when it happened with Neville, there was a base to be more demonstrative. They felt like spending too much time badyzing things and thinking too much, and that he just needed to be more in the present moment. I think Kevin would tell you that he thought it was really necessary, and obviously it was very successful because it started before last summer, and if you look at it his results across the courts and the US Open, it made a huge difference

When I arrived on board, and as early as Australia in January, I felt that it was a good thing. was almost crazy about the way he was on the ground. Get up so much after you have gained a point, and then push yourself to get ready for the next point, get pumped and do all that, and then the other plays a good point, or misses a ball, and then, suddenly, c & # 39; "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with it too. One of the things has been to replace all the pumping and the others for a much stronger presence physically in your body language and to stay much more stable with that.

He seemed to have a lot of emotional energy both against Federer and against Isner in the final stages

Exactly, and in the match against Diego Schwartzman in Paris he was exactly the opposite. He was gbaded in the fifth set, and everything was emotional. It was not physical.

At the time, it was rather disappointing to think that he was 6-1, 6-2, and 5-4 to dominate the game and make the quarterfinals of the Roland Garros. But I think if this match does not happen, then maybe it will not happen at Wimbledon.

Such small margins at this level.

This is in shades. The bottom line is 85, 90% mental. Everyone hits the ball well. Kevin hits the ball incredibly well, and he gets that part of the neck in the right position. And he was able to do that, and it's amazing to watch. I have a calm exterior, but I boiled inside. I mean it's exhausting to watch these games when you are so invested in what's going on.

What does it mean for you to be back in this position as a coach 25 years later?

Am quite comfortable with where I am and where I have been. I do not feel like trying to prove anything. I led a junior tennis academy for several years after coaching Sebastien Grosjean, and I was happy as a clam.

That being said, there is nothing better than sitting in the box watching a guy you are committed to doing. Kevin just did it. It's absolutely amazing to see this come to fruition and to know the commitment, effort and dedication that he has shown as a player throughout his career. I have been with him for a very short time, but you have heard from everyone around Kev what kind of person he is.

His father was tough with him, I think, when he was a kid, but his dad gave him that base of respect, and so he's just that kind of guy. He is very respectful of the game, and it makes him so nice to work with him.

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