That's a bit less prick of the $ 1000 price tag of the iPhone X – BGR


The high-end smartphone from Apple has just set a new record, this one being relevant to anyone who is curious about how much they can resell their iPhone X.

Apple has set the price from the base model when the phone was launched last year to $ 999, and depending on whether you want more storage, the price tag can exceed the $ 1,000 mark. A new study from the B-Stock liquidation company, meanwhile, suggests that the phone is worth at least $ 849.15 on resale, which also suggests that Apple's latest iPhone is doing the best job among the iPhones.

on the top retaining 85% of its original value on a secondary market, note Fortune . "Companies who buy the iPhone X in bulk to resell the handset acquire it for 75% of its retail price, B-Stock discovered, according to 9to5Mac who got a copy of l & # 39; study ". [19659003Insomeofthepastyearsitisnotsurprisingthatthevalueoftheartistogodownthedrainwhiletheprocessofstayinglongerlonger(19659003)"TheresultsareprobablygoodnewsforcompaniesacquiringorreturningiPhones" Fortune . "This is also good news for anyone who owns an iPhone X and who plans to replace it with a new device this year.If nothing else, it will do a lot to cover the cost of the device. a new iPhone. "

This is also good news for anyone considering throwing their iPhone X and getting something new this fall, especially with Apple expected to retire the iPhone X and SE models, as we have already reported it here. Rumor has it that Apple will release three new iPhones this fall, all with the same design as the current iPhone X.

The trio will include a cheaper 6.1-inch phone with an LCD, a phone that some call the iPhone 9, as well as two iPhone X successor packaging 5.8 inches and 6.5-inch OLED displays.

According to a report in Barron Apple is increasing production of its upcoming phone models "like never before".

According to the report, "Apple expects the construction of 91 million units, combined, three new models of iPhone in the last two quarters of this year, which will be followed by 92 million 39, additional units in the first two quarters of next year.The iPhone X would probably be abandoned in the third quarter of this year, and the SE iPhone, cheaper, louboutin would also go. "

He adds that the 92 million units of the first two quarters of next year are much higher than Cycles of the iPhone.

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