The Bachelorette: Becca Kufrin sends a man home before the Fantasy sequel


Happy Monday, Single Nation. We're back with another week of Becca Kufrin The Bachelorette – Read on for everything that's going on.


With only three men still in the running, Becca admits that she has developed serious feelings for these guys: She is in love with Blake and Garrett, and she falls in love with Jason. As for the overnight dates, she hopes to have a clear idea of ​​each of these relationships.

Blake, who is at close range for Becca, but also totally in her head, absolutely wants to know where she is with the other two men. They spend the day walking on the monks' trail in Chiang Mai, Thailand, before dinner that night, where Blake is frank about what he's living.

"In the last two weeks, it's the first time I've started thinking that you may feel the same way about another guy you do for me," he says. let's get to a point where, obviously, you clearly have strong ties to other guys, I can not really ignore that. "

Becca does what she can to rebadure him Recalling that she was struggling with the same things during her stay on The Bachelor with her ex-fiancé now Arie Luyendyk Jr. But you can say that what Blake is hoping for is a solid badertion that it's a good thing. he will be the last man standing, something that Becca obviously can not give him – or anyone – at this stage.

Nevertheless, she offers him the date card Fantasy Suite and he agrees. They wake up in the arms of each other the next morning, and poor Blake is even more afraid of losing her.

"But it's so good between us," he says. "There is no way she has with another guy."

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The next is Jason. Things get off to a good start as they explore the Sunday market together, but the date takes an embarrbading turn when Becca makes a point about sharing a home one day – and regrets it immediately.

"We were leaving the temple and I was thinking of the future," she explains later. "I made a comment about it, and after I said it, I wanted to take it back right away because at that moment, I had the impression of not being able to see it in this future. "

She owes it to Jason and their relationship to see if they can get back on track. But she still can not get rid of her intuition that something is wrong, and when he asks her where she is, she admits that she has doubts about them.

"There was a brief moment today We were leaving the temple where I was talking about the future.In the beginning, I said it about myself, and then I felt like I had to caress and tell about us – and when I did, something felt a little, "she told him. "I do not know what it is, I do not know what it was."

She apologizes briefly from the table. When she returns, Jason's doomed fate is written all over his face.

"For a long time, I could see everything with you," she says. "And I do not know what my problem is, because you've been the most incredible and open person, but I can not spend the night and spend the night if it's not 100% "

He does his best to convince her to keep an open mind, insisting that they still have time … She has stronger feelings for Blake and Garrett, and she says so much to Jason.They break up amicably, but after his departure, Becca burst into tears.

"What did I just do? What am I doing? ", She says. "He did not see it coming in. And he was so confused … Honestly, in this situation, all I can give him or anybody is an answer and I could not even do that. And it's such a good guy.I went out with terrible people in the past and it's such a good person.Jason is one of the best men I know.I literally have him did what I did Arie. "


Last but not least, it is Garrett's turn. Although she is still shocked to say goodbye to Jason, Becca is determined not to let this affect her final date in Thailand. She and Garrett spend the day rafting, completely hugged, and Becca is relieved when she realizes that she did well to send Jason home.

That night, things get even more serious when they discuss their future together. could look like. Garrett says all the good things – that his career can take him anywhere – and he would happily support Becca wherever he likes – and make him love again.

"I did not feel really happy in my life," he says. "Just the way you smile and make me laugh and make me feel – I really care about you, it makes me feel so good, I think that considering how you interacted with my family, I realized how much I really love you, you make me very happy, and I hope you're the last woman I've ever said that to. "

RELATIVE VIDEO: Garrett under the fire of the Bachelorette for sounding hateful, Memphis Transphobics

She offers him the date card Fantasy Suite, and he accepts

"When I look at Garrett, I see my heart is equal – someone who will make a grandfather, a big loving husband, "she springs out. "It makes me feel like I can really count on him, no matter what, I'm so happy with the way everything went, there's something so special about him." [19659004ThenextmorningBeccasaysthatthedateofthenighthelpedthem"jump"intotherelationship

"Last night he told me that he was in love with me. for which, "she says. "It makes me realize that we are on the same page, because I feel the same way for him, I have not told him that yet and he does not know it, but we are here together, I just feel lucky to to have it. "


Just as Becca is getting ready for the last ceremony of the roses of the season, a familiar face shows up at his door: Jason, who's the one album that's 39 he made for her full of memories of their time together. It's very sweet, and they wish one last time well before parting.

As for the roses ceremony itself? Well, Becca has two roses to hand out and just two guys are gone – but before that, she announced the news to Blake and Garrett that Jason was out of the race.

"I came this week wanting clarity in every relationship And with Jason, even though I was crying out for him, my relationship with him just could not compare to how I feel about you," she says. "Saying him goodbye was not easy. There was a lot of tears, but by the way, I feel so much more confident in front of you two today. I feel so good for you both that I'm ready for you to meet my family. "

They both agree, and all three make an awkward toast – knowing that the most important rose is yet to come

The Bachelorette: Men Tell All will air next Monday, followed by the season finale on June 6, both at 8 pm ET on ABC

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