The breakup of "Bachelorette" & # 39; of Becca and Jason was brutal, but maybe not as brutal as you might think, says Bekah


After competing on the 1945 Bachelor season of Arie Luyendyk Jr., Bekah Martinez has many opinions on the franchise, and she is in the process of concocting everything in Bustle. Read what Bekah has to say about the Fantasy Suite dates and the breaks of Bachelor Nation in this week's recap.

This is the week of the fantastic sequel, and of course there was plenty of drama!

I must say that I especially liked the location of Thailand because the Becca stylist did not put it in sparkling black or metallic gunmetal outfits all week. It was a nice break.

The date of Blake

The first date was Blake's. I like it, we all love it, it is great. They are great together. The first part of the date was around the Buddhist temple, and the rule of no physical affection was actually a little refreshing. I love seeing couples just chatting and enjoying their time together without any language action, although the Lord knows I would do exactly the same thing.

Blake has become even more attractive with each pbading week. At first I did not think that he was so cute, but everything changed after seeing his vulnerability, how sincere and open he is, and his genuine adoration of Becca. Plus, seeing him shirtless in the morning with his arms around her was not disappointing.


The date of Blake and Becca took a melancholy turn. While Blake expressed his fears of being deeply hurt, Becca seemed so sad to know that these fears could become his reality. It must be so hard to know that for every moment their relationship is getting stronger, the possibility of greater grief increases. The same goes for all other relationships, but Blake's pronunciation of the situation made it all too real. Becca did her best to comfort him, explaining how she felt when she was in the same position with Arie, but that did not seem too rebaduring given the way this situation occurred.

It was as funny as Becca commented that Blake seemed "in his head" the next morning. Like yeah, obviously he's in his head – he probably can not stop thinking about how two other guys are probably going to sleep with his daughter over the next few days. Not to mention him who uttered the saddest thing I've ever heard following post-fantasy: "What if it was the last time I woke up next to her?"

Garrett Date

I will pbad Garrett one minute. It's the first week that his personality seems to really show through, though I'm still confused as to what's going on in his head and heart most of the time. I think I've already said it, but I just do not understand Garrett. It is difficult to read and I feel that I miss something that Becca sees. What I can see, is the affection of Becca for him. There is a tenderness in her voice when she talks about him, and a quiet sweetness in their interactions. It's peaceful, and there is no doubt that it would remain a constant presence in Becca's life if their relationship continues. I like his inability to be influenced by external circumstances. Garrett has remained constant and simple in his love for Becca, which may be just what she needs.


The Date of Jason

Looped around the victim of this week's love: Jason. Jason and Becca's relationship has always seemed a little superficial. There is a distance that only seems to be filled by physical attraction, and even though the chemistry is great, it can not fuel the fire forever.

Again, I felt so bad for Becca when she fell a little down during the day because I recognized that feeling – the feeling of knowing that it was over and the anxiety of knowing that you must be the only one to put an end to it. It's awful to break up with someone you love. I think that it is quite possible to love someone, knowing that this is not the case for you, and it is one of the worst feelings to the world. Hurting someone close to you is never easy, even when you know that it is better to do it sooner than you expect. This (first) break was rough, but more for Becca than for Jason.


It's hard. Most of us are so empathetic. We are always worried about hurting people, and experience painful guilt when we break someone's heart because we know what it's like to have a broken heart. In this case, it seemed that Becca was taking him much more than Jason. Maybe it was not so much about Jason, but because she knew it was a little taste of the week ahead when she should part with it. one of the men that she really loved.

Of course, it's only eight weeks old, but if you've ever been in a swirling romance before, you know that being thrown after a two-month relationship can still be extremely devastating. That said, the relations Bachelor and Bachelorettte are removed from the "real life". When a competitor returns home, he returns to a world without tangible connections with his ex-partner. a brief visit to the hometown. Maybe it's just me, but I think one of the most difficult parts of a breakup is having to remember your ex all the time in life daily. There are usually so many memories related to your daily routine and your daily environment. In a way, the fact that the novels Bachelor and Bachelorette are completely eliminated from your home world can make managing the loss a little easier.


As for Jason's return, I have the unpopular opinion that it was not impressive. Becca made it clear that it was really over, and she did not need to give him any justification to stop it. The second breakup seemed to be just for his benefit, and although some cite the album in his defense, it appeared as a barely veiled effort to project itself as future Bachelor gear. Plus, (I know I'm so hard on the poor guy), did anyone notice the flickering and squeaking of the face to try to force a tear?

Yes, Jason was kind and courteous. But the truth is, manipulating a breakout by not acting as a total psycho should be the basic minimum. Jason seems very nice and as he means, but I think we should keep everyone to the same standard when it comes to being dumped. Unloaders around the world should realize that it's probably not their fault, it's probably just because their partner does not feel like before. I had an ex who told me better when I broke up with him: "Well, you can not help those you love and those you stop loving."

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